1. Let me weep for my garment as it bids farewell,
For I will persist in weeping as it departs.
١. دَعني أُبَكّي كِسوَتي إِذ وَدَّعَت
فَلَأَزمَعَنَّ عَلى البُكا إِذ أَزمَعَت
2. O son of Hussein, do you not see my coat of mail,
Tattered and worn from the pain it has endured.
٢. يا اِبنَ الحُسَينِ أَما تَرى دَرّاعَتي
سَمَلاً تَرَدَّت بِالبِلى وَتَدَرَّعَت
3. In it are rips and tears, that if breezed by winds
Would have shredded and scattered without pause.
٣. فيها مِنَ التَمزيقِ ما لَو أَنَّهُ
مَرَّت بِها ريحُ الصَبا لَتَقَشَّعَت
4. It tells of how my mantle was torn apart,
Teaching the pain of rending and ripping anew.
٤. تَحكي تَخَرُّقَ طَيلَساني إِنَّها
مِنهُ تَعَلَّمتِ البِلى فَتَضَعضَعَت
5. May God grant him no solace, for he has torn
Each of my garments until they were in tatters.
٥. لا فَرَّجَ الرحمنُ عَنهُ إِنَّهُ
أَعدى ثِيابي كُلَّها فَتَقَطَّعَت
6. So praise God, O mountains, for were you to face him
You would bow down in dread and split into pieces.
٦. فَلَتَحمَدِ اللَهَ الجِبالُ فَإِنَّها
لَو قارَنَتهُ تَخَشَّعَت وَتَصَدَّعَت