
O son of war, indeed I see in the corners

يا ابن حرب إني أرى في زوايا

1. O son of war, indeed I see in the corners
Of our house, like what you have covered the group with

١. يا اِبنَ حَربٍ إِنّي أَرى في زَوايا
بَيتِنا مِثلَ ما كَسَوتَ جَماعَه

2. A worn out garment whose tatters I have sewn
And I have mended its patches

٢. طَيلَسانٌ رَفَوتُهُ وَرَفَوتُ الرَ
فوَ مِنهُ وَقَد رَقَعتُ رِقاعَه

3. So it surrendered to wear and became shabby
The tatters do not obey the mender

٣. فَأَطاعَ البِلى فَصارَ خَليعاً
لَيسَ يُعطي الرَفّاءَ في الرَفوِ طاعَه

4. Thus when a beggar sees me wearing it
He thinks I am a lad of the working class

٤. فَإِذا سائِلٌ رَآنِيَ فيهِ
ظَنَّ أَنّي فَتىً مِنَ أَهلِ الصِناعَه