1. Who will inform Al-Hajjaj that I have summoned him to a war, a persistent war whose youths are left as ashes, and I have clapped my hands to a firm man when the matter becomes grave. O son of the Ashajj tribe, I do not care about blaming you, you are the president, son of a president and you are the highest of people in status. I have informed Hajjaj bin Yusuf who slipped from the slip, so stand up, may I be sacrificed for you, perhaps through you Al-Rahman will relieve anxiety. So when you make the routes behind them a road, then a road, send Atiyyah among the cavalry to make them stumble upon it heavily.
١. مَن مُبلِغُ الحَجّاجِ أَن
ني قَد نَدَبتُ إِلَيهِ حَربا
٢. حَرباً مُذَكَّرَةً عَوا
ناً تُترَك الشُبّانَ شُهبا
٣. وَصَفَقتُ في كَفِّ اِمرِئٍ
جَلدٍ إِذا ما الأَمرُ غَبّا
٤. يا اِبنَ الأَشَجِّ قَريعِ كِن
دَةَ لا أُبالي فيكَ عَتبا
٥. أَنتَ الرَئيسُ اِبنُ الرَئي
سِ وَأَنتَ أَعلى الناسِ كَعبا
٦. نُبِّئتُ حَجّاجَ بنَ يو
سُفَ خَرَّ مِن زَلَقٍ فَتَبّا
٧. فَاِنهَض فَديتَ لَعَلَّهُ
يَجلو بِكَ الرَحمَنُ كَربا
٨. فَإِذا جَعَلتَ دُروبَ فا
رِسَ خَلفَهُم دَرباً فَدَربا
٩. فَاِبعَث عَطِيَّةً في الخُيو
لِ يَكُبُّهُنَّ عَلَيهِ كَبّا