1. Do you know the house whose traces have been erased,
In Al-Hadhr, not far from the gardens?
١. هَل تَعرِفُ الدارَ عَفا رَسمُها
بِالحَضرِ فَالرَوضَةِ مِن آمِدِ
2. A house for a cheeky and playful little girl,
Who appeared and so her love took all my strength.
٢. دارٌ لِخَودٍ طَفلَةٍ رُؤدَةٍ
بانَت فَأَمسى حُبُّها عامِدي
3. As white as the bright smiling sun,
Her teeth glisten behind cold lips.
٣. بَيضاءَ مِثلَ الشَمسِ رَقراقَةٍ
تَبسِمُ عَن ذي أُشُرٍ بارِدِ
4. When she shot me with her arrow it did not
Pierce my heart, what an aim she has!
٤. لَم يُخطِ قَلبي سَهمُها إِذ رَمَت
يا عَجَباً مِن سَهمِها القاصِدِ
5. O you, fierce, attacking lion,
Who pounces like an untamable lion.
٥. يا أَيُّها القَرمُ الهِجانُ الَّذي
يَبطِشُ بَطشَ الأَسَدِ اللّابِدِ
6. And who does honourable deeds,
Known by both absent and present.
٦. وَالفَاعِلُ الفِعلَ الشَريفَ الَّذي
يُنمى إِلى الغائِبِ وَالشاهِدِ
7. How much praise have I given you,
Coming and going with all who pass.
٧. كَم قَد أُسَدّي لَكَ مِن مِدحَةٍ
تُروي مَعَ الصادِرِ وَالوارِدِ
8. And how many calls we have answered for you,
So recognise us - the knowing and the ignorant differ.
٨. وَكَم أَجبنا لَكَ مِن دَعوَةٍ
فَاِعرِف فَما العارِفُ كَالجاحِدِ
9. We protected you when no one gave you refuge
Against twins or a single one in difficult times.
٩. نَحنُ حَمَيناكَ وَما تَحتَمي
في الرَوعِ مِن مَثنى وَلا واحِدِ
10. The day we were victorious over the worshipper for you
And the day we saved you from Khalid.
١٠. يَومَ اِنتَصَرنا لَكَ مِن عابِدِ
وَيَومَ أَنجَيناكَ مِن خالِدِ
11. And the battle at Ar-Rayy which you attained
With an army of our alliance.
١١. وَوَقعَةَ الرَيِّ الَّتي نِلتَها
بِجَحفَلٍ مِن جَمعِنا عاقِدِ
12. And how many deserters we met for you,
Turning away the biting, raging wolf.
١٢. وَكَم لَقينا لَكَ مِن واتِرٍ
يَصرِفُ نابَي حَانِقٍ حارِدِ
13. Then we trampled him under our feet
As he lay in ambush like a snake.
١٣. ثُمَّ وَطِئناهُ بِأَقدامِنا
وَكانَ مِثلَ الحَيَّةِ الراصِدِ
14. After the good test which has passed
While you were ascetic through it.
١٤. إِلى بَلاءٍ حَسَنٍ قَد مَضى
وَأَنتَ في ذَلِكَ كَالزاهِدِ
15. So recall our help and kindness
With wisdom returned to guide you.
١٥. فَاِذكُر أَيادينا وَآلاءَنا
بِعَودَةٍ مِن حِلمِكَ الراشِدِ
16. And the day of Ahvaz, do not forget it,
Praise and words do not diminish.
١٦. وَيَومَ الاهوازِ فَلا تَنسَهُ
لَيسَ الثَنا وَالقَولُ بِالبائِدِ
17. We still hope for you as we hope
For rain from promising, thunderous clouds.
١٧. إِنّا لَنَرجوكَ كَما نَرتَجي
صَوبَ الغَمامِ المُبرِقِ الراعِدِ
18. Uncover your palms and what they grasped
And act like the glorious Master.
١٨. فَاِنفَح بِكَفَّيكَ وَما ضَمَّتا
وَاِفعَل فَعالَ السيدِ الماجِدِ
19. Why do you not give, you being so generous
Free with bounty and legacy?
١٩. مالَكَ لا تُعطي وَأَنتَ اِمرُؤٌ
مُثرٍ مِنَ الطارِفِ وَالتالِدِ
20. Collect the taxes of Sijistan and surrounding lands
Lounging in your comfortable life.
٢٠. تَجبي سِجِستانَ وَما حَولَها
مُتَّكِئاً في عَيشِكَ الراغِدِ
21. Do not make the days and time a threat
Stripping the land along with the plunderer.
٢١. لا تَرهَبُ الدَهرَ وَأَيّامَهُ
وَتَجرُدُ الأَرضَ مَعَ الجارِدِ
22. If harm befalls we will defend it for you
While you recline ignoring the good.
٢٢. إِن يَكُ مَكروهٌ تَهِجنا لَهُ
وَأَنتَ في المَعروفِ كَالراقِدِ
23. Then you think that we will agree to this?
No! By the kneeling, prostrating Lord.
٢٣. ثُمَّ تَرى أَنّا سَنَرضى بِذا
كَلّا وَرَبِّ الراكِعِ الساجِدِ
24. By the sanctity of the House and its curtains,
And the devout worshipper who prays in it.
٢٤. وَحُرمَةِ البَيتِ وَاَستارِهِ
وَمَن بَهِ مِن ناسِكٍ عابِدِ
25. These desires of yours are false,
An oversight in the patience of one who rests.
٢٥. تِلكَ لَكُم أُمنِيَّةٌ باطِلٌ
وَغَفوَةٌ مِن حُلُمِ الراقِدِ
26. I will not be angry if after this
You incite or plot against me.
٢٦. ما أَنا إِن هاجَكَ مِن بَعدِها
هَيجٌ بِآتيكَ وَلا كابِدِ
27. Nor if they gather against me without
Supporters or any who I would miss.
٢٧. وَلا إِذا ناطوكَ في حَلقَةٍ
بِحامِلٍ عَنكَ وَلا فاقِدِ
28. So grant what you once gave willingly,
No good in the resentment of one forced to give.
٢٨. فَأَعطِ ما أَعطَيتَهُ طَيِّباً
لا خَيرَ في المَنكودِ وَالناكِدِ
29. And fulfill the promise if you make it,
The promiser differs from one who fulfils.
٢٩. وَأَنجِزِ الوَعدَ إِذا قُلتَهُ
لَيسَ الَّذي يُنجِزُ كَالواعِدِ
30. We gave you birth so do not abandon us
God commanded you to care for parents.
٣٠. نَحنُ وَلَدناكَ فَلا تَجفُنا
وَاللَهُ قَد وَصّاكَ بِالوالِدِ
31. If you descend from Kindah then your uncles
Are indeed from the tribe of Hashid,
٣١. إِن تَكُ مِن كِندَةَ في بَيتِها
فَإِنَّ أَخوالَكَ مِن حاشِدِ
32. The best of the Arabs in hospitality,
As far as guests and guides reach.
٣٢. شَمُّ العَرانينِ وَأَهلُ النَدى
وَمُنتَهى الضيفانِ وَالرائِدِ
33. Among them are many marked horsemen
Leading armies or guides.
٣٣. كَم فيهِمُ مِن فارِسٍ مُعلَمٍ
وَسائِسٍ لِلجَيشِ أَو قائِدِ
34. Riders who panic the horses as they attack,
Like the flashing sparks of glowing embers.
٣٤. وَراكِبٍ لِلهَولِ يَجتابُهُ
مِثلَ شِهابِ القَبَسِ الواقِدِ
35. Or a refuge healing from the ignorance of fools,
The wanton and the transgressors.
٣٥. أَو مَلَأً يُشفى بِأَحلامِهِم
مِن سَفَهِ الجاهِلِ وَالمارِدِ
36. God did not diminish us in any way,
The deficient differs from the perfect.
٣٦. لَم يَجعَلِ اللَهُ بِأَحسابِنا
نَقصاً وَما الناقِصُ كَالزائِدِ
37. You have many uncles among their tribes,
Tall, long-armed warriors.
٣٧. وَرُبَّ خالٍ لَكَ في قَومِهِ
فَرعٌ طَويلُ الباعِ وَالساعِدِ
38. Seeking glory in bravery not
Anything but honor for the glorious.
٣٨. يَحتَضِرُ البَأسَ وَما يَبتَغي
سِوى إِسارِ البَطَلِ الماجِدِ
39. Stabbing with the flag, steadfast
In battle lined-up and advancing.
٣٩. وَالطَعنِ بِالرايَةِ مُستَمكِناً
في الصَفِّ ذي العادِيَةِ الناهِدِ
40. So be kind to your uncles and remember them,
And have mercy on them for those who passed.
٤٠. فَاِرتَح لِأَخوالِكَ وَاِذكُرهُمُ
وَاِرحَمهُمُ لِلسَلَفِ العائِدِ
41. Your uncles have not ceased
To give more and more to the giver.
٤١. فَإِنَّ أَخوالَكَ لَم يَبرَحوا
يُربُونَ بِالرِفدِ عَلى الرافِدِ
42. Never stingy nor cowardly
Whether going to battle or staying behind.
٤٢. لَم يَبخُلوا يوماً وَلَم يَجبُنوا
في السَلَفِ الغازي وَلا القاعِدِ
43. You have many uncles among their tribes,
Carrying heavy burdens.
٤٣. وَرُبَّ خالٍ لَكَ في قَومِهِ
حَمّالِ أَثقالٍ لَها واجِدِ
44. Who recognise misfortune with their wealth
And the rights of beggars and petitioners.
٤٤. مُعتَرِفٍ لِلرُزءِ في مالِهِ
وَالحَقِّ لِلسائِلِ وَالعامِدِ