
When you travel in haste, travel with companions,

إذا سرت في عجل فسر في صحابة

1. When you travel in haste, travel with companions,
And beware of malice, beware as of a pit.

١. إِذا سِرتَ في عِجلٍ فَسِر في صَحابَةٍ
وَكِندَةَ فَاِحذَرها حِذارَكَ لِلخَسفِ

2. In the party of the blind are choking, deceit,
Dry twigs, and working with the sling of casting.

٢. وَفي شيعَةِ الأَعمى خُناقٌ وَغيلَةٌ
وَقَشبٌ وَإِعمالٌ لِجَندَلَةِ القَذفِ

3. All of them are evil, though at their head
Are Humayda and al-Meyla, nurse of hidden evil.

٣. وَكُلُّهُم شَرٌّ عَلى أَنَّ رَأسَهُم
حُمَيدَةُ وَالمَيلاءُ حاضِنَةُ الكِسفِ

4. Whenever you are at Bujayla, listen,
For it has a shore that points to destruction.

٤. مَتى كُنتُ حَيَّي بَجيلَةَ فَاِستَمِع
فَإِنَّ لَها قَصفاً يَدَلُّ عَلى حَتفِ

5. Whenever they decide to kill a visitor
They call each other with barking and with whistling.

٥. إِذا اِعتَزَموا يَوماً عَلى قَتلِ زائِرٍ
تَداعَو عَلَيهِ بِالنُباحِ وِبِالعَزفِ