
Seek refuge when you rise after slumber

تعوذ إذا ما قمت من بعد هجعة

1. Seek refuge when you rise after slumber
From the tyranny of the vulgar and base

١. تَعَوَّذ إِذا ما قُمتَ مِن بَعدِ هَجعَةٍ
مِنَ المَرءِ في سُلطانَةِ المُتَفَحِّشِ

2. And from a man whose heart is untouched by mercy
Reckless in his ways, insolent and rash

٢. وَمِن رَجُلٍ لا تَعطِفُ الرَحمُ قَلبَهُ
جَريءٍ عَلى أَحوالِهِ مُتَحَرِّشِ

3. Obstinate and fierce, harsh in punishment
Whenever the blind hour brings him chance

٣. لَجوجٍ شَديدٍ بَطشُهُ وَعِقابُهُ
مَتى يَأتِهِ ساعٍ بِعَمياءَ يَبطِشِ

4. From a blow with a stick that left no words behind
You struck with a polished blade, rent and gashed

٤. أَمِن ضَربَةٍ بِالعودِ لَم يَدمَ كَلمُها
ضَرَبتَ بِمَصقولٍ عِلاوَةَ فَندَشِ

5. Thus on the day of valor you took his life
Though no victim called, no foe attacked

٥. فَأَزهَقتَ في يَومِ العَروبَةِ نَفسَهُ
بِغَيرِ قَتيلٍ صاحِياً غَيرَ مُنتَشِ

6. So neither kinship nor severing of ties
Can save you from the abjection you have hatched

٦. فَلا وَصَلَتكَ الرَحمُ مِن ذي قَرابَةٍ
وَلا ذَهَبَ الضِغنُ الَّذي أَنتَ مُحتَشِ

7. Leaving an aged, frail mother bereft
Still enthroned in your rule, corroded and wretched

٧. فَجَعتَ بِهِ أُمّاً عَجوزاً كَبيرَةً
فَلا زِلتَ في سُلطانِكَ المُتَنَهنَشِ

8. Rutbil refused, so you killed him
While lounging atop a mattress unabashed

٨. أَبى رُتَبيلٌ قَتلَهُ فَقَتَلتَهُ
وَأَنتَ عَلى خَوّارَةٍ فَوقَ مَفرَشِ

9. If after this we shun you out of loathing
We'll leave you alone in the desolate wild

٩. فَإِن تَدعُنا مِن بَعدِها لِكَريهِةٍ
نَدَعكَ فَريداً في الخَلا المُتَوحِّشِ

10. And people's aid unlike ours was of no use
Nor did you refrain from rending with relish

١٠. وَلَم يُغنِ عَنكَ الناسُ مِثلَ غِنائِنا
وَلَم تَمتَنِع مِن آكِلٍ مُتَمَشمِشِ

11. A weeping woman laments at Fandashe's grave
I said: restrain your tears and be still

١١. وَباكِيَةٍ تَبكي عَلى قَبرِ فَندَشٍ
فَقُلتُ لَها أَذري دُموعَكِ وَاِخمِشي

12. He was a bold knight when horses held back
Striking with the sword's blade, no weakling or craven

١٢. فَتىً كانَ مِقداماً إِذا الخَيلُ أَحجَمَت
ضَروباً بِنَصلِ السَيفِ لَيسَ بِمُرعَشِ

13. Striking the skulls of men with his sword
Plunging into fray like a thirsty raven

١٣. ضَروباً لِهاماتِ الرِجالِ بِسَيفِهِ
وَرودَ القِتالِ كَالحَمِيِّ المَعَطَّشِ

14. We will requite wickedness in full measure
And smite the snout of the surly, brazen beast

١٤. وَإِنّا لَنُجزي الذَحلَ بِالذَحلِ مِثلَهُ
وَنَضرِبُ خَيشومَ الأَبَلِّ الغَطَمَّشِ