
I sought youth when old age advanced,

طلبت الصبا إذ علا المكبر

1. I sought youth when old age advanced,
And the sorrows grew, never falling short,

١. طَلَبتُ الصِبا إِذ عَلا المَكبَرُ
وَشابَ القَذالُ وَما تُقصِرُ

2. And youth appeared with its pleasures,
But one like you will not be excused for ignorance,

٢. وَبانَ الشَبابُ وَلَذّاتُهُ
وَمِثلُكَ في الجَهلِ لا يُعذَرُ

3. The censurers said “Will he ever stop,
Or will old age maim him or shorten him?”

٣. وَقالَ العَواذِلُ هَل يَنتَهي
فَيَقدَعُهُ الشَيبُ أَو يَقصِرُ

4. At forty I bid it farewell,
And ten years have passed with me as one who sees clearly,

٤. وَفي أَربَعينَ تَوَفَّيتُها
وَعَشرٍ مَضَت لي مُستَبصَرُ

5. A lesson for a sensible man,
If he can hear or see,

٥. وَمَوعِظَةٌ لِاِمرِءٍ حازِمٍ
إِذا كانَ يَسمَعُ أَو يُبصِرُ

6. So do not grieve over what is past,
Nor let what comes later sadden you,

٦. فَلا تَأسَفَنَّ عَلى ما مَضى
وَلا يَحزُنَنَّكَ ما يُدبِرُ

7. For events try the young man,
And time makes him stumble,

٧. فَإِنَّ الحَوادِثَ تُبلي الفَتى
وَإِنَّ الزَمانَ بِهِ يَعثُرُ

8. One day he is hurt with what afflicted him,
Another day he is gladdened and cheers up,

٨. فَيَوماً يُساءُ بِما نابَهُ
وَيَوماً يُسَرُّ فَيَستَبشِرُ

9. From all that the young man encounters,
And he is granted from it what is decreed,

٩. وَمِن كُلِّ ذَلِكَ يَلقى الفَتى
وَيُمنى لَهُ مِنهُ ما يُقدَرُ

10. As if I had not traveled from encampment to encampment,
And did not abandon it after it lay fallow,

١٠. كَأَنِّيَ لَم أَرتَحِل جَسرَةً
وَلَم أَجفِها بَعدَ ما تَضمِرُ

11. I roam it all the time,
And the abandoned land knows me,

١١. فَأُجشِمُها كُلَّ دَيمومَةٍ
وَيَعرِفُها البَلَدُ المُقفِرُ

12. I did not witness war on the day of battle,
Overflowing upon me, forgiving,

١٢. وَلَم أَشهَدِ البَأسَ يَومَ الوَغى
عَلَيَّ المُفاضَةُ وَالمِغفَرُ

13. I did not penetrate the battle line until it ended,
For me the protection of the people and the pulpit,

١٣. وَلَم أَخرِقِ الصَفَّ حَتّى تَمي
لَ دارِعَةُ القَومِ وَالحُسَّرُ

14. Under me a swift Cao Cao,
Of horses, or a swimming camel,

١٤. وَتَحتي جَرداءَ خَيفانَةٌ
مِنَ الخَيلِ أَو سابِحٌ مُجفَرُ

15. I thrust with the spear until the

١٥. أُطاعِنُ بِالرُمحِ حَتّى اللَبا
نُ يَجري بِهِ العَلَقُ الأَحمَرُ

16. Flashing red blood flows from it,
And you were not in war when it raged

١٦. وَما كُنتَ في الحَربِ إِذ شَمَّرَت
كَمَن لا يُذيبُ وَلا يُخثِرُ

17. Like one who melts away and dissolves,
But I was one of courage

١٧. وَلَكِنَّني كُنتَ ذا مِرَّةٍ
عَطوفاً إِذا هَتَفَ المُحجَرُ

18. When the stones were hurled,
I answer the scream when it calls

١٨. أُجيبُ الصَريخَ إِذا ما دَعا
وَعِندَ الهِياجِ أَنا المِسعَرُ

19. And when passions are inflamed I am the one who ignites,
For yesterday when I walked

١٩. فَإِن أُمسِ قَد لاحَ فِيَّ المَشي
بُ أُمَّ البَنينِ فَقَد أَذكُرُ

20. The gait of the mother of the boys reminded me,
Of an easy life we had

٢٠. رَخاءً مِنَ العَيشِ كُنّا بِهِ
إِذ الدَهرُ خالٍ لَنا مُصحِرُ

21. When fate left us undisturbed,
And when I was in the prime of youth

٢١. وَإِذ أَنا في عُنفُوانِ الشَبا
بِ يُعجِبُني اللَهوُ وَالسَمَّرُ

22. Play and night talk pleased me,
I hunt beautiful women and they hunt me

٢٢. أَصيدُ الحَسانَ وَيَصطَدنَني
وَتُعجِبُني الكاعِبُ المُعصِرُ

23. And I am pleased by the pressed wine,
And a white one like the small wine skin,

٢٣. وَبَيضاءَ مِثلُ مَهاةِ الكَثي
بِ لا عَيبَ فيها لِمَن يَنظُرُ

24. No blemish in her, for one who looks,
As if her necklace when it appeared

٢٤. كَأَنَّ مُقَلَّدَها إِذ بَدا
بِهِ الدُرُّ وَالشَذرُ وَالجَوهَرُ

25. Was of pearls, and hailstones, and jewels,
A necklace of Najdi carnelians

٢٥. مُقَلَّدُ أَدماءَ نَجدِيَّةٍ
يَعِنُّ لَها شادِنٌ أَحوَرُ

26. Watched over by a cross-eyed one,
As if the syrup of bees and raisins

٢٦. كَأَنَّ جَنى النَحلِ وَالزَنجَبي
لِ وَالفارِسِيَّةِ إِذ نَعصَرُ

27. And Farsi, when we press it,
Is poured over the coolness of her teeth,

٢٧. يُصَّبُّ عَلى بَردِ أَنيابِها
مُخالِطَهُ المِسكُ وَالعَنبَرُ

28. Mixed with musk and ambergris,
When she turns, and sways with

٢٨. إِذا اِنصَرفَت وَتَلَوَّت بِها
رَقاقُ المَجاسِدِ وَالمِئزَرُ

29. The slenderness of limbs and waist wrapper,
And her bracelet is crowded, and her shawl bunches

٢٩. وَغَصَّ السِوارُ وَجالَ الوِشاحُ
عَلى عُكَنٍ خَصرُها مُضمَرُ

30. Over a delicate waist that is bent,
And her anklet is too tight for her leg

٣٠. وَضاقَ عَنِ الساقِ خَلخالُها
فَكادَ مُخَدَّمُها يَندُرُ

31. So that its pair of clasps almost burst,
Weak in standing, gentle in speech,

٣١. فَتورُ القِيامِ رَخيمُ الكَلامِ
يُفَزِّعُها الصَوتُ إِذ تُزجَرُ

32. Frightened by sound when chided,
And she aspires to noble lineage,

٣٢. وَتُنمى إِلى حَسَبِ شامِخٍ
فَلَيسَت تُكَذَّبُ إِذ تَفخَرُ

33. So she is not accused when she boasts,
She is the one whose love healed me

٣٣. فَتِلكَ الَّتي شَفَّني حُبُّها
وَحَمَّلَني فَوقَ ما أَقدِرُ

34. And burdened me beyond what I can bear,
So do not blame me for loving her,

٣٤. فَلا تَعذِلاني في حُبِّها
فَإِنّي بِمَعذِرَةٍ أَجدَرُ

35. For indeed I am more deserving of excuse,
And say to one suffering from passion, a lover,

٣٥. وَقولا لِذي طَرَبٍ عاشِقٍ
أَشَطَّ المَزارُ بِمَن تَذكُرُ

36. Whose thoughts are disordered by one remembered:
With a Kufan, originally from Furat,

٣٦. بِكوفِيَّةٍ أَصلُها بِالفُرا
تِ تَبدو هُنالِكَ أَو تَحضُرُ

37. Who appears there or is present,
While you are heading to Mujarran

٣٧. وَأَنتَ تَسيرُ إِلى المُكَّرانِ
فَقَد شَحَطَ الوِردُ وَالمَصدَرُ

38. For the roses and apples have withered,
You had no need from me of Mujarran

٣٨. وَلَم تَكُ مِن حاجَتي مُكَّران
وَلا الغَزوُ فيها وَلا المَتجَرُ

39. Nor an expedition there, nor trading,
And I was told news of her but did not go to her

٣٩. وَخُبِّرتُ عَنها وَلَم آتِها
فَما زِلتُ مِن ذِكرِها أُذعَرُ

40. So I have not ceased being confused by the mention of her,
That many are hungry for her

٤٠. بِأَنَّ الكَثيرَ بِها جائِعٌ
وَأَنَّ القَليلَ بِها مُقتِرُ

41. And few are satisfied with her,
And that the beards of the people are long from her heat

٤١. وَأَنَّ لِحى الناسِ مِن حَرِّها
تَطولُ فَتُجلَمُ أَو تَضفَرُ

42. Stretching down or braided,
And he who reached her before us claims

٤٢. وَيَزعُمُ مَن جاءَها قَبلَنا
بِأَنّا سَنَسهَمُ أَو نُنحَرُ

43. That we will lose or be slaughtered,
I seek refuge in my Lord from disgraces

٤٣. أَعوذُ بِرَبّي مِن المُخزِيا
تِ فيما أُسِرُّ وَما أَجهَرُ

44. In what I reveal and what I conceal,
And I was told that our property will return

٤٤. وَحُدِّثتُ أَن مالَنا رَجعَةٌ
سِنينَ وَمِن بَعدِها أَشهُرُ

45. In years, and after them months,
Until then our sons grew up

٤٥. إِلى ذاكَ ما شابَ أَبناؤُنا
وَبادَ الأَخِلّاءُ وَالمَعشَرُ

46. And friends and companions perished,
And I had no energy for it

٤٦. وَما كانَ بي مِن نَشاطٍ لَها
وَإِنّي لَذو عُدَّةٍ موسِرُ

47. Though I am one with ample means,
But I was roused for it unwillingly

٤٧. وَلَكِن بُعِثتُ لَها كارِهاً
وَقيلَ اِنطلِق كَالَّذي يومَرُ

48. And told “Set out like one who is pushed,”
So there was salvation but I did not turn

٤٨. فَكانَ النَجاءُ وَلَم أَلتَفِت
إِلَيهِم وَشَرُّهُمُ مُنكَرُ

49. To them though the worst of them denies,
It is the sword, unsheathed from its scabbard,

٤٩. هُوَ السَيفُ جُرِّدَ مِن غِمدِهِ
فَلَيسَ عَن السَيفِ مُستَأخَرُ

50. For the sword cannot be postponed,
And how many a brother of mine, intimate,

٥٠. وَكَم مِن أَخٍ لي مُستَأنِسٍ
يَظَلُّ بِهِ الدَمعُ يَستَحسِرُ

51. With whom tears flow that weep,
Bids me farewell and tears flow

٥١. يودِّعُني وَاِنتَحَت عَبرَةٌ
لَهُ كَالجَداوِلِ أَو أَغزَرُ

52. Like streams or more copious,
For I will not meet him again after it

٥٢. فَلَستُ بِلاقيهِ مِن بَعدِها
يَدَ الدَهرِ ما هَبَّتِ الصَرصَرُ

53. What the hand of fate has tossed will not return,
And it was said “You are only passing

٥٣. وَقَد قيلَ إِنَّكُم عابِرو
نَ بَحراً لَها لَم يَكُن يُعبَرُ

54. Through a sea none before you crossed,”
To Sind and India in their lands

٥٤. إِلى السِندِ وَالهِندِ في أَرضِهِم
هُمُ الجِنُّ لَكِنَّهُم أَنكَرُ

55. They are jinn but they are stranger,
And none before us attempted to raid it

٥٥. وَما رامَ غَزواً لَها قَبلَنا
أَكابِرُ عادٍ وَلا حِميَرُ

56. Not the great of ‘Aad nor Sheba,
Neither did Sapor attempt to raid it

٥٦. وَلا رامَ سابورُ غَزواً لَها
وَلّا الشَيخُ كِسرى وَلا قَيصَرُ

57. Nor the Shaykh Kisra nor Caesar,
And besides it is a vast crossing place

٥٧. وَمِن دونِها مَعبَرٌ واسِعٌ
وَأَجرٌ عَظيمٌ لِمَن يُؤجَرُ