
I was not of those whom adversity

وما كنت ممن ألجأته خصاصة

1. I was not of those whom adversity
Has driven to seek refuge in you, nor of those tempted by trysts.

١. وَما كُنتُ مِمَّن أَلجَأَتهُ خَصاصَةٌ
إِلَيكَ وَلا مِمَّن تُغُرُّ المَواعِدُ

2. Rather it was ambition which debases
That brought me close while you kept your distance.

٢. وَلَكِنَّها الأَطماعُ وَهيَ مُذِلَّةٌ
دَنَت بي وَأَنتَ النازِحُ المُتباعِدُ

3. Do you detain me for no reason, while at times
You pay me slight heed, and yet you remain aloof?

٣. أَتَحبِسُني في غَيرِ شَيءٍ وَتارَةً
تُلاحِظُني شَزراً وَأَنفُكَ عاقِدُ

4. You are not like the sons of Fazarah, so know
You were created unlike them, your father being different.

٤. فَإِنَّكَ لا كَاِبنَي فَزارَةَ فَاِعلَمَن
خُلِقتَ وَلَم يُشبِهُها لَكَ والِدُ

5. None can attain the heights reached by your parents,
Neither you nor others who come to their drinking places.

٥. وَلا مُدرِكٌ ما قَد خَلا مِن نَداهُما
أَبوكَ وَلا حَوضَيهِما أَنتَ وارِدُ

6. Had you contended with the House of Utarid
You would have been brought low by them, by their strength.

٦. وَإِنَّكَ لَو سامَيتَ آلَ عُطارِدٍ
لَبَزَّتكَ أَعناقٌ لَهُم وَسَواعِدُ

7. An inherited glory you'll never attain
Nor a noble house whose foundations you did not lay.

٧. وَمَأثِرَةٌ عادِيَّةٌ لَن تَنالَها
وَبَيتٌ رَفيعٌ لَم تَخُنهُ القَواعِدُ

8. Are you not but a fox in their abode
To be shackled, hapless, or led on a tether?

٨. وَهَل أَنتَ إِلّا ثَعلَبٌ في دِيارَهِم
تُشَلَّ فَتَعساً أَو يَقودُكَ قائِدُ

9. I see Khalid strutting proudly like
A snarling lion or flaming meteor.

٩. أَرى خالِداً يَختالُ مَشياً كَأَنَّهُ
مِنَ الكِبرِياءِ نَهشَلٌ أَو عُطارِدُ

10. Rabia was never the peer of Darim
Nor did the sun of day rival their splendor.

١٠. وَما كانَ يَربوعٌ شَبيهاً لِدارِمٍ
وَما عَدَلَت شَمسَ النَهارِ الفَراقِدُ