
The God and the honor of the son of Muhammad

يأبى الإله وعزة ابن محمد

1. The God and the honor of the son of Muhammad
And the ancestry of a king before the tribe of Thamud

١. يَأَبى الإِلَهُ وَعِزَّةُ اِبنِ مُحَمَّدٍ
وَجُدودِ مَلكٍ قَبلَ آلِ ثَمودِ

2. Refuse that you befriend those whose veins
Among the people are the veins of slaves

٢. أَن تَأنَسوا بِمُذَمَّمينَ عُروقُهُم
في الناسِ إِن نُسِبوا عُروقُ عَبيدِ

3. How many fathers of yours who used to place his crown
Upon the forehead of an eloquent, strong young man

٣. كَم مِن أَبٍ لَكَ كانَ يَعقِدُ تاجَهُ
بِجَبينِ أَبلَجَ مِقوَلٍ صِنديدِ

4. And if you ask glory, where is its place?
Glory is between Muhammad and Sa'eed

٤. وَإِذا سَأَلتَ المَجدُ أَينَ مَحَلُّهُ
فَالمَجدُ بَينَ مُحُمَّدٍ وَسَعيدِ

5. Between Al-Ashajj and Qais a separator
Excellent, excellent for his father and newborn

٥. بَينَ الأَشَجِّ وَبَينَ قَيسٍ باذِجٌ
بَخ بَخ لِوالِدِهِ وَلِلمَولودِ

6. Your morals of generosity and inheritance of ancestry did not fail you
To attain the extent of glory

٦. ما قَصَّرَت بِكَ أَن تَنالَ مَدى العُلا
أَخلاقُ مَكرُمَةٍ وَإِرثُ جُدودِ

7. A branch, when branches compete, you see for it
Currents of flowing, continuous glory

٧. قَرمٌ إِذا سامى القُرومَ تَرى لَهُ
أَعراقَ مَجدٍ طارِفٍ وَتَليدِ

8. And if he calls for a great feat, mobilized for him
Are the Hamdan under his hoisted banner

٨. وَإِذا دَعا لِعَظيمَةٍ حُشِدَت لَهُ
هَمدانُ تَحتَ لِوائِهِ المَعقودِ

9. They walk in the circle of the sword as if they are
The lions of fathers who heard the roar of lions

٩. يَمشونَ في حَلَقِ الحَديدِ كَأَنَّهُم
أُسدُ الأَباءِ سَمِعنَ زَأرَ أُسودِ

10. And if you call the family of Kindah, they attack
With the old men of truth, masters, and officers

١٠. وَإِذا دَعَوتَ بِآلَ كِندَةَ أَجفَلوا
بِكُهولِ صِدقٍ سَيِّدٍ وَمَسودِ

11. And the youth of lion assaults as if their swords
In every battle are lightning bolts

١١. وَشَبابِ مَأسَدَةٍ كَأَنَّ سُيوفُهُم
في كُلِّ مَلحَمَةٍ بُروقُ رُعودِ

12. You do not see Qais approximating your Qais
In generosity nor do you see like Sa'eed

١٢. ما إِن تَرى قَيساً يُقارِبُ قَيسَكُم
في المَكرُماتِ وَلا تَرى كَسعيدِ