1. What is this sorrow churning in my heart,
And your flowing, trickling tears?
١. ما بالُ حُزنٍ في الفُؤادَ مُوَلِّجِ
وَلِدَمعِكَ المُتَحَدِّرِ المُتَزَلِّجِ
2. Have you heard of the army that scattered,
Struck by the crookedness of time?
٢. أَسَمِعتَ بِالجَيشِ الَّذينَ تَفَرَّقوا
وَأَصابَهُم رَيبُ الزَمانِ الأَعوَجِ
3. Imprisoned in Kabul, eating their horses
In the most wretched resting place and crookedest valley.
٣. حُبِسوا بِكابُلَ يَأكُلونَ جِيادَهُم
بِأَضَرِّ مَنزِلَةٍ وَشَرِّ مُعَوَّجِ
4. No army in the lands met what they met,
So for the likes of them, tell the keeners to wail.
٤. لَم يَلقَ جَيشٌ في البِلادِ كَما لَقوا
فَلِمِثلِهِم قُل لِلنَوائِحِ تَنشِجِ
5. And ask Ubaydallah, how did you see them?
Twenty thousand armed and equipped.
٥. وَاِسأَل عُبَيدَ اللَهِ كَيفَ رَأَيتَهُم
عِشرينَ أَلفَ مُجَفِّفٍ وَمُدَجَّجِ
6. An elite force the Emir cherry-picked
An army from the Egyptians, unhesitating.
٦. بَعثاً تَخَيَّرَهُ الأَميرُ جَلادَةً
بَعثاً مِنَ المِصرَينِ غَيرَ مُزَلَّجِ
7. You were made their commander, and their prince,
Yet you failed them, while war burned hot.
٧. وُلّيتَ شَأنَهُمُ وَكُنتَ أَميرَهُم
فَأَضَعتَهُم وَالحَربُ ذاتُ تَوَهُّجِ
8. You did not cease exploiting them, as they claimed,
Spitting on them, behaving like the unjust.
٨. ما زِلتَ نازِلَهُم كَما زَعَموا أَباً
وَتَفُلُّهُم وَتَسيرُ سَيرَ الأَهوَجِ
9. Selling their rations for a dirham,
While your army still faces blame.
٩. وَتَبيعُهُم فيها القَفيزَ بِدِرهَمٍ
فَيَظَلُّ جَيشُكَ بِالمَلامَةِ يَنتَجي
10. You denied them their milk and barley,
And traded in grapes before they ripened.
١٠. وَمَنَعَتهُم أَلبانَهُم وَشَعيرَهُم
وَتَجَرتَ بِالعِنَبِ الَّذي لَم يَنضُجِ
11. You lashed their skin violently and unjustly
Without flinching, with whips that seared.
١١. وَنَهَكتَ ضَرباً بِالسِياطِ جُلودَهُم
ظُلماً وَعُدواناً وَلَم تَتَحَرَّجِ
12. While the land around you flamed in enmity
Refusing to yield, yet you would not be deterred.
١٢. وَالأَرضُ كافِرَةٌ تُضَرِّمُ حَولَكُم
حَرباءَها بُعِجَت وَلَمّا تَنتِجِ
13. They perished from hunger while you lounged,
Gorged, becoming like solid rock.
١٣. فَتَساقَطوا جوعاً وَأَنتَ ضُفَندَدٌ
شَبعانُ تُصبِحُ كَالأَبَدِّ الأَفجَجِ
14. Covered in the milk of sheep and cows,
Like a donkey rolling in muck.
١٤. زَخوُ النَسا وَالحالِبَينِ مُلَثَّماً
في مِثلِ جَحفَلَةِ الحِمارِ الدَيزَجِ
15. You thought you'd never be punished for them,
But Allah's justice comes at dawn.
١٥. وَظَنَنتَ أَنَّكَ لَن تُعاقَبَ فيهُمُ
وَاللَهُ يُصبِحُ مِن أَمامِ المُدلِجِ
16. When they died and their legions vanished,
You tried to flee - but what escape?
١٦. حَتّى إِذا هَلَكوا وَبادَ كُراعُهُم
رُمتَ الخُروجَ وَأَيُّ ساعَةِ مَخرَجِ
17. Shuraih refused to be dishonored,
And their scriptures had yet to be compiled.
١٧. وَأَبى شُرَيحٌ أَن يُسامَ دَنِيَّةً
حَرَجاً وَصُحفُ كِتابِهِم لَم تُدرَجِ
18. Only a few remained after them,
Had you marched amidst Maragha, none would have survived.
١٨. وَبَقِيتَ في عَدَدٍ يَسيرٍ بَعدَهُم
لَو سارَ وَسطَ مَراغَةٍ لَم يُرهِجِ
19. Do not tell people of your situation,
And if asked, equivocate and hedge.
١٩. لا تُخبِرِ الأَقوامَ شَأَنَكَ كُلَّهُ
وَإِذا سُئِلتَ عَن الحَديثِ فَلَجلِجِ