
Greetings of friendship I offer to you,

حييا جزلة مني بالسلام

1. Greetings of friendship I offer to you,
Pearl of the sea, lantern lighting the gloom.

١. حَيِّيا جَزلَةَ مِنّي بِالسَلامِ
دُرَّةَ البَحرِ وَمِصباحَ الظَلامِ

2. Do not turn away after affection shown true,
Hearken, O mother of Jesus, unto my tune.

٢. لا تَصُدّي بَعدَ وُدٍّ ثابِتٍ
وَاِسمَعي يا أُمَّ عيسى مِن كَلامي

3. Be not forever estranged, fickle of mood,
Or promise a bond only to disapprove.

٣. لا تَدومي لي فَوَصلي دائِمٌ
أَو تَهمّي لي بِهجرٍ أَو صِرامِ

4. You were not like lightning flickering lewd,
Deceiving, in clouds of desire to move.

٤. أَو تَكوني مِثلَ بَرقٍ خُلَّبٍ
خادِعٍ يَلمَعُ في عُرضِ الغَمامِ

5. Or like mirage misleading the famished,
Imagined oasis to dreams onboard.

٥. أَو كَتَخييلِ سَرابٍ مُعرِضٍ
بِفَلاةٍ أَو طُروقٍ في المَنامِ

6. What knowledge have you if harm was intended,
And when you act surely you'll be forewarned,

٦. ما عِلمي إِن كُنتِ لَمّا تَعلَمي
وَمتى ما تَفعلي ذاكَ تُلامي

7. That goodness unceasing brings fair satisfaction,
As rainQuatrains continuous fructifies the plain.

٧. بِعدَما كانَ الَّذي فَلا
تُتبِعي الإِحسانَ إِلّا بِالتَمامِ

8. Forget not the past and pledges you've taken,
Swearing divinely and signing your name.

٨. لا تَناسَي كُلَّ ما أَعطَيتِني
مِن عُهودٍ وَمَواثيقَ عِظامِ

9. Recall that night of the middle Sha'ban,
When moonlit you pledged by the Divine Name.

٩. وَاِذكُري الوَعدَ الَّذي واعَدتِني
لَيلَةَ النِصفِ مِنَ الشَهرِ الحَرامِ

10. If you ignore it, you'll bear the pain
Of prayer and fast as absolving your blame.

١٠. فَلَئِن بَدَّلتِ أَو خِستِ بِنا
وَتَجَرَّأتِ عَلى أَمرٍ صَمامِ

11. Return to affection, put hatred to rest,
Ambition and sins easy to name.

١١. لا تُبالينَ إِذاً مِن بَعدِها
أَبَداً تَرَكَ صَلاةٍ أَو صِيامِ

12. When you see me, if you think I offend,
For traits disagreeable that I retain,

١٢. راجِعي الوَصلَ وَرُدّي نَظرَةً
لا تَلِجّي في طِماحٍ وَأَثامِ

13. Then tell me, I'll set all aright again,
And tears of regret shall wash cleansingly.

١٣. وَإِذا أَنكَرتِ مِنّي شيمَةً
وَلَقَد يُنكَرُ ما لَيسَ بِذامِ

14. I see your cord worn, its strands growing thin,
While mine are thick without age or decay.

١٤. فَاِذكُريها لي أَزُل عَنّا وَلا
تَسفِحي عَينَيكِ بِالدَمعِ السِجامِ

15. You saw my hair turning grayer each day,
And body enfeebled by time's command.

١٥. وَأَرى حَبلَكِ رَثّاً خَلَقاً
وَحِبالي جُدُداً غَيرَ رِمامِ

16. I have felt the fierce hardship of life's fray,
My frame battered to pieces in war's band.

١٦. عَجِبَت جَزلَةُ مِنّي أَن رَأَت
لِمَّتي حُفَّت بِشَيبٍ كَالثَغامِ

17. Yet you a blooming flower fresh and fair,
On shoulders like silk, a cat sleek and fine.

١٧. وَرَأَت جِسمي عَلاةَ كَبرَةٌ
وَصُروفُ الدَهرِ قَد أَبلَت عِظامي

18. When you laugh, your cheeks their dimples bare,
Like musk waving about, the years resign.

١٨. وَصَلِيتُ الحَربَ حَتّى تَرَكَت
جَسَدي نِضواً كَأَشلاءِ اللِجامِ

19. From your neck to your wrists perfection rare,
No jewel comes close, no shell half as fine.

١٩. وَهيَ بَيضاءُ عَلى مَنكِبَيها
قَطَطٌ جَعدٌ وَمَيّالٌ سُخامِ

20. So why do I find you today inclined,
To ways and manners none too refined?

٢٠. وَإِذا تَضحَكُ تُبدي حَبَباً
كَرُضابِ المِسكِ في الراحِ المُدامِ