
Stars do not fall, yet their armies are given

نجم ولا نعطى وتعطى جيوشهم

1. Stars do not fall, yet their armies are given
And they have filled themselves with our possessions, O proprietor of hands

١. نَجُمُّ وَلا نُعطى وَتُعطى جُيوشُهُم
وَقَد مَلؤوا مِن مالِنا ذا الأَكارِعِ

2. They have burdened us with equipment and fine things
Yet we refused to provide you with fine things

٢. وَقَد كَلَّفونا عُدَّةً وَرَوائِعاً
وَقَد وَأَبي رُعناكُمُ بِالرَوائِعِ

3. We brought horses from a thousand leagues
To you, marked with the red stain of death

٣. وَنَحنُ جَلَبنا الخَيلَ مِن أَلفِ فَرسَخٍ
إِلَيكُم بِمُحمَرٍّ مِنَ المَوتِ ناقِعِ