1. Our different desires
Have become harmonized
١. أهواءنا المختلفة
قد أصبحت مؤتلفة
2. In the lofty one with his nose held high
Above the heights, his nose held high
٢. في شامخ بأنفه
على العوالي أنفه
3. And the one who has not flown his wings
Yet for you a bird tamed
٣. وذي جناح لم يطر
ولك طير ألفه
4. His wings the length of the horizon
Flutter over us
٤. جناحه طول المدى
يبدي علينا رفرفة
5. How many a gloomy lover
He has gifted with his uplifting
٥. كم من كئيب عاشق
أهدى له مشرفه
6. And he still sends
To save them his gentleness
٦. ولا يزال مرسلاً
لنجوه ملطفه
7. In the wind the words of one
Lost themselves, one violent in his love
٧. في الريح ضاع قول من
على هواه عنفه
8. How many a weakly yet sincere
Healed hearts downcast
٨. عليله الصحيح كم
شفى قلوباً دنفة
9. His soul is gentle
And his essence deviant
٩. وروحه لطيفة
وذاته منحرفة
10. From his heart I see religion, for desire has turned him
And with desire
١٠. عن قلبه الدين أرى
حب الهوى قد صرفه
11. He had no crooked turns
His desire under his control
١١. ولم يكن مع الهوى
أعطافه منعطفه
12. However he wishes he turns it
How a cloud has spread
١٢. هواه تحت طوعه
كيف يشاء يصرفه
13. His uncovered zeal
Still unsettled
١٣. كم عممت غمامة
هامته المنكشفة
14. Settled since he befriended it
And whenever
١٤. ما زال غير ساكن
ساكنه مذ ألفه
15. A gust of wind faced him
Al-Walid lost himself
١٥. وكلما لاح له
من الهواء التقفه
16. In his self befriended
Its inhabitants, he named it
١٦. فنى الوليد ذاته
بذاته مؤتلفه
17. In the west it shows its bias
In it a faction
١٧. سكانها سميها
في الغرب يبدي حيفه
18. Has become his summer lodge
With Badr the rightly guided, and not
١٨. فيه تشتي عصبة
قد اصبحت مصيفه
19. Attributing him to foolishness
We praised along with his spending
١٩. ببدر ذو الرشد ولا
ينسبه إلى السفه
20. And generosity his conduct
And all he was excessive in
٢٠. حمدت مع تبذيره
وبذله تصرفه
21. A country we thanked his excess
And we commend him along with a mountain
٢١. وكل ما أسرف في
بلد شكرنا أسرفه
22. A king whose vastness amazes
The mispronunciation of two-thirds, his conversation clarified
٢٢. ونصفه مع جبل
ملك سطاه متلفه
23. And one-third free, so if the incorrectness
Of a letter moistens it, leave off from it
٢٣. تصحيف ثلثيه جلت
فض حديثه الشفة
24. How many breaths he deposited
Charms exquisite
٢٤. وثلثه حر فإن بلل
حرف فدع من حرفه
25. How many branches bent
Of lofty stature fluttering
٢٥. أنفاسه كم أودعت
محاسناً مستلطفة
26. Twisted yet it is correct with one
Who has known him
٢٦. كم رنحت من غصن
ذي قامة مهفهفة
27. And his white garment still
Shows its sturdiness
٢٧. معلتة وهو الصح
يح عند من قد عرفه
28. His last work, composer
Of a world he has composed
٢٨. وثوبه البيض لا
يزال يبدي صلفه
29. And the house of the sultan has become
Where he preserves his treasures
٢٩. آخره مصنف
لعالم قد صنفه
30. He is teased with one-sixth of his name
A faction feeling superior
٣٠. وبيت سلطان غدا
يصون فيه تحفه
31. And one-sixth I see the sky
And earth and water befriend
٣١. يكنى بسدسي لفظه
عصابة مستنكفة
32. So uncover the blindness of his heart
For the likes of you have uncovered it
٣٢. وسدسه أرى السما
والأرض والماء يألفه
33. The daylight of your minds erased
From it the darkness of its fold
٣٣. فاكشف معمى قلبه
فمثلكم من كشفه
34. It runs to solve problems
Whose stoppage it did not conceal
٣٤. نهار ذهنكم محى
من الظلام سدفه
35. And in your sea lies pearl and not
Did I meet in it a shell
٣٥. يجري لحل المشكلا
ت لم يخف توقفه
36. And for the necks you strung
Your harmonized gifts
٣٦. وبحركم در وما
صادفت فيه صدفة
37. All the lands are unknown
And you among them known
٣٧. وللرقاب قلدت
هباتك المؤلفة
38. And take a bride whose beauty
You have revealed since clearing her veil
٣٨. كل البرايا نكرة
وأنت فيهم معرفة
39. If Zuhair saw a flower
He would pluck it, her blossom
٣٩. وخذ عروساً شنفت
مذ جليت مشنفة
40. Her glory would cover his eyelid
If the eyelid of his eyelid appeared
٤٠. زهير لو بان له
زهر جلاها قطفة
41. A garden envied it
Thundering like the loud noise
٤١. أغشى سناء طرفها
إذا لاح طرف طرفه
٤٢. حديقة حاسدها
يرعد مثل السفعه