1. My soul says, as your missives have arrived:
Is there any way for me to attain union that I may hope for?
١. روحي تقول وقد جاءت رسائلكم
هل لي إلى الوصل من عقبى أرجيها
2. Before them, I was not killing myself with yearning,
Save for my knowledge that yearning gives it life.
٢. ولم أكن قبلها بالشوق أقتلها
إلا لعلمي بأن الشوق يحييها
3. And I have tears, kept hidden from mankind, that have spoken
And so revealed to people what was within my heart -
٣. ولي دموع بسري للورى نطقت
فأطلعت قلبها للناس من فيها
4. Like fire in hue and burning, so I have plucked them
And they sear my palm if I attempt to pluck them.
٤. كالنار لونا وإحراقا فوردتها
تجني على الكف إن أهويت تجنيها