1. These two riddles have come to your door, O judge of the wilderness! What are these two disputants?
Two five-letter names; when their letters are written down, they are undoubtedly from (the tribe of) Khuza'a.
١. هذان لغزان قد حلا ببابك يا
قاضي البرية ما هذان خصمان
2. They differ outwardly in appearance, in form, yet essentially they are the same.
You see through your reforms that, as is their origin, wellbeing comes through forgetting them.
٢. اسمان كل خماسي إذا كتبت
حروفه وهما لا شك خدنان
3. In Egypt and Syria they are ascribed to their origin; the expert is ascribed to garden after garden.
Yet in China, the home they are ascribed to - if they are present among brothers - is between them.
٣. تباينا في الورى شكلا إذا نظرا
وصورة وهما في الأصل مثلان
4. Thus we and he are among people without a nickname; those two did not choose that path.
In the land he is found; and if you search for him you find the second five of him in the heart of the sea.
٤. يرى بكانون إصلاحاك أنهما
كما لأصلهما نفع بنسيان
5. I saw the fire brought out leaves for him, and was amazed that leaves grow from the flames.
He is revived when the drops rain upon him, and the clouds generously pour down on him from above.
٥. في مصر والشام منسوب لأصلهما
يضاف يا خبر بستان لبستان
6. He is a cube, but has no smell, and is never added to the flowers of a garden.
Delicate, yet when its pages are turned, a crust appears; so hide it with concealment.
٦. لكن إلى الصين منسوب مقرهما
إن أحضرا في مكان بين أخوان
7. How many full moons has it completed, emerging throughout the month, not marred by loss?
The dawn took away the white thread, hastening to overpower it like a wrongdoer.
٧. لذا كنا وهو بين الناس ليس له
من كنية ما انتحى في ذاك اثنان
8. Oh its beauty! Has not its sweetness become sweet to speak of, from every tongue?
It is wrapped around the contents, yet has no intestines; none who aspire to deny it among the Ash'aris.
٨. في البر يلقى وان فتشت عنه تجد
في لجة البحر يلقى خمسه الثاني
9. It is clad in embroidery and printed; embroidery and printing are opposites, it is said.
How often it intoxicates! So we open its doors to enter, and it welcomes us graciously.
٩. نبت أرى النار قد أبدت له ورقا
فأعجب له ورقا ينمو بنيران
10. A beautiful one whom the people of dissolution - all of them - and we after knowing, have agreed to tie the knot with.
Being united with it was unanimously permitted in a time when, after entities, union was prohibited.
١٠. يحيى إذا ما سقاه القطر وابله
وجاده بسحاب منه هتان
11. Thirty three fifths of it were found to bring clarification and explanation.
And however many fifths I mentioned, they spoke truly, mentioning its name without falsehood.
١١. كبيقة هو لكن لا يشم ولا
يضاف يوماً إلى أزهار بستان
12. And its fifth is a mountain, but the rest of it is in Mecca, hoping for salvation through forgiveness.
It is fried, but two eyes approach the heart of the one who fried it, from all people.
١٢. ذو رقة فإذا صحفته ظهرت
كنافة منه فاستره بكتمان
13. This weary one - what are its tired collections about it? The weary one has no glory for it.
Within it are many hearts collected, and a person cannot have two hearts.
١٣. وكم له من بدور كمل طلعت
في سائر الشهر لم تمحق بنقصان
14. How long has one wearing an honorable garb been openly discarding it, yet is still described as being excellent?
Beautiful in description, refined in essence, and purified in origin; and not safe from the vitriol of vitriolic ones.
١٤. فقدها خيط فجر ابيض عجل
بالرق يسطو عليها سطوة الجاني
15. Be comforted - the rain has watered the ground from the steps of your striving, to quench the thirsty.
١٥. يا حسنها ألسنا أضحت حلاوتها
يحلو المديح لها من كل ملسان
١٦. تطوى على الحشو أحشاء وليس له
في الأشعرية من رام بنكران
١٧. بالطي والنشر في حال قد اتصفت
والطي والنشر فيما قيل ضدان
١٨. كم سكرت ففتحنا للدخول بها
أبوابها فتلقتنا بإحسان
١٩. حسناء أجمع أهل الحل اجمعهم
والعقد منا عليها بعد عرفان
٢٠. وصالها حل بالإجماع في زمن
فيه الوصال حرام بعد أعيان
٢١. ثلثا ثلاثة أخماس لها وجدا
شيئاً يجئ بإيضاح وتبيان
٢٢. وما ذكرت من الخماس كم نطقت
صدقا بذكر اسمها من غير بهتان
٢٣. وخمسها جبل لكن بقيتها
في مكة ترتجى فوزا بغفران
٢٤. تقلى ولكن قلب تقربه
ممن قلاها من الأقوام عينان
٢٥. ما مل ذا من القالي أماليه
عنها وما خطر القالي لها شأني
٢٦. في الجوف منها قلوب جمة جمعت
ولا يكون لجوف الشخص قلبان
٢٧. كم ظل يطرحها من لبس ذا شرف
جهرا ويوصف مع هذا بإتقان
٢٨. جميلة الوصف طابت عنصرا وزكت
أصلا وما سلمت من ظعن ظعان
٢٩. بالحل انعم سقى القطر المواطئ من
أقدام سعيك في أرواء ظمآن