
Let the astrologer wander lost in ignorance,

دع المنجم يكبو في الضلال

1. Let the astrologer wander lost in ignorance,
Do not be deceived by his coded calendar and ephemeris,

١. دع المنجَّم يكبو في الضلال ولا
يخدعك تقويمه المرموز والزيج

2. For in all that they have recorded,
By your life, is nothing but dates and chronicles,

٢. فليس عندهُم في كل ما سطروا
إِلا لعمرك تأريخٌ وتأريج

3. And proclaim their falsity in what they have decreed,
For their calendar is a distortion of truth.

٣. واصدع بتكذيبهم فيما به حكموا
فإنَّ تقويمهم للحق تعويج