1. I swore by the keeper of the alluring glances
As if in his eyes are remnants of his intoxication
١. حلفتُ بسجّان اللواحظ فاتنٍ
كأنّ بعينيه بقايا خماره
2. He breaks my aloofness by the breaking of his glance
If my glance remained confused in his allurements
٢. يكسِّر إعراضي بتكسير طرفه
إذا ظلَّ طرفي حائراً في احوراره
3. He established over my heart the resurrection of his love
And he stood with my excuse in it, the excellence of his excuse
٣. أقام على قلبي قيامةَ حبِّهِ
وقام بعذري فيه حسن عِذاره
4. And I was amazed by his smooth cheek in it
So he guided the entirety of his fire to fold up the cheek
٤. وأعجبني في خده جلناره
فأهدى إِلى طيِّ الحشا جُلَّ ناره
5. Alas! That I forget the sweetness of his embrace
And he had visited me after the prolonging of his estrangement
٥. وهيهات أن أنسى لذيذَ عناقهِ
وقد زارني من بعد طولِ ازوراره
6. I believed the blaming from every adviser about him
For each sees that advice is in his choice
٦. آمنت عليه اللومَ من كل ناصحٍ
فكلٌ يرى أنَّ النُّهى في اختياره