1. Before Mu'izz ad-Din could delight
In his kingdom with his comrades
١. مات معزُّ الدين من قبل أن
يلتذَّ في الملك بأحبابه
2. And accomplish his every desire
And reach all his hopes
٢. ولا أنتهى منه إِلى غايةٍ
يبلغ فيها بعض آرابه
3. Fate cut his life short
Snatching him away from his peers
٣. عاجله المقدارُ في نفسه
فابتزَّه من دون أترابه
4. He passed away, leaving just his name
And the repute of his fine manners
٤. ثوى فلم يبقَ سوى ذكره
وما فشا من حُسن آدابه
5. As if he had never lived or reigned
Among his veiled women
٥. كأنه لم يغدُ يوما ولم
يرح مليكاً بين حجّابه
6. Or led armies to holy war
To aid God and his comrades
٦. ولم تسر للغزو أحزابه
في نصرة الله وأحرابه
7. If only death had taken a bribe
And avoided knocking on his door
٧. ليت المنايا قبلت رشوة
فيه فلم تمرر على بابه
8. If only I could have redeemed him
Instead of his followers and friends
٨. وليتني كنت له فادياً
دون مواليه وأصحابه
9. How soon fate turned our world
From the healer of ills to their cause
٩. سرعان ما حوَّلنا دهرُنا
من أريه الشافي إِلى صابه
10. We hoped to be consoled by him
Not to console ourselves for his loss
١٠. كنا نرِّجى أن يُعزَّى بنا
لا أننا نحن نُعزَّى به
11. No heart feels his absence more deeply
Except those attached to their friend
١١. مثل فؤادي ليس أحرى به
إِلا تحليه لأحرابه
12. Can he know any life's joy when
Grief for him fills his lovers' hearts?
١٢. وهل يرى راحة عيش وقد
أوصى به الوجد لأوصابه
13. Each has their own way, and comrades
Whose lifelong labor is their concern
١٣. كل له دأب وأحرابه
عليه طول العمر من دابه