
The servant offers to his Master and gifts Him

العبد يهدي إلى المولى ويتحفه

1. The servant offers to his Master and gifts Him
Himself and that which his hands have crafted

١. العبد يهدي إِلى المولى ويتحفه
ونفسه والذي تقنو يداه له

2. And his Master does not refuse to own him
From improving what he gifted and accepting it

٢. وليس سمنع مولاه تملَكه
من أن يُحسِّنَ ما أهدى ويقبله

3. So God accepts what servants offer to Him
And He knows that we pray and ask of Him

٣. فالله يقبل ما يُهدي العباد له
وهو الملي بأن ندعو ونسأله

4. The sea is rained on by the clouds' downpour
And its water is only from Him carrying it

٤. والبحرُ يُمطره مرُّ السحاب به
وإنما ماؤه منه تَحملَه

5. So accept from the servant what he gifted, for he
In his quest has beautiful hopes from You he wished for

٥. فاقبل من العبد ما أهدى فإن له
في قصده حُسنَ ظنٍ منك أمَّله

6. None asked of God his revealed favors
Except You were for him the first to fulfill it

٦. لم يسأل الله من جُلى مواهبه
إِلا وكنت له في السؤل أوله

7. And none came to Your loftiest door to serve it
Except the lowliest he shunned and neglected

٧. ولم يرد بابك الأعلى ليخدمه
إِلا وقد رفض الأدنى وأهمله

8. Nor did the land of Egypt become his quest
Except to make Your magnificence his dwelling

٨. ولا غدت أرضُ مصر من مقاصده
إِلا ليجعل في مغناك منزله

9. He saw Your greatness and the fixed abode through it
For the life's remainder, the ripest of its fruits

٩. رأى ذراك وتحديد المقام به
لآجل العمر أسنى ما تعجَّله

10. So submit to him supplies to meet time with
For how many worthy youths except for You were bereft

١٠. فاسلم له عدةً يلقى الزمانَ بها
فكم فتىً نابهٍ لولاك أخمله