
May God forgive what playfulness and youth led him to do,

عفا الله عما جره اللهو والصبا

1. May God forgive what playfulness and youth led him to do,
And whatever passed of the sayings and deeds of youth.

١. عفا الله عمَّا جرَّهُ اللهوُ والصِّبا
وما مرَّ من قالِ الشبابِ وقيلهِ

2. I enjoyed his radiant morn with the finest living,
Until he went away freely on his path.

٢. حبيتُ ضُحياه بأنعمِ عيشةٍ
إِلى أن مضى مستبسلاً لسبيله

3. When he turned away, old age befell us after him,
With its advent the pleasures of life were denied.

٣. فلما تولَّى حلَّ من بعده بنا
مشيب نفى طيبَ الكرى بحلوله

4. It came down like an unwelcome guest, until when it lodged,
We saw death as our guest in its arrival.

٤. أتى نازلا كالضيف حتى إذا ثوى
رأينا المنايا ضيفَنا في نزوله

5. Grievous as our sorrows were at its coming,
Greater yet was our fear of its leaving.

٥. لئن عظُمت أحزانُنا لقدومهِ
لأَعظمُ منها خوفُنا من رحيلهُ

6. And it had been distracting him from age and its burdens,
The meeting of a youth fair of face and refined.

٦. وقد كان يلهي عن مشيب وكِبرهِ
لقاء فتىً حُلوِ اللقاءِ جميلهِ

7. Generous, held dear by those who had not met him,
Bountiful, who would give fortune before being asked.

٧. كريمِ النثا يهواه من لم يُلاقه
جزيل الندى يُولي المُنى قبل سوله

8. Ingenious in unraveling the most complex matters,
Sublime in building up acts of nobility and worth.

٨. بديعِ معاني المشكلات دقيقها
رفيعِ بناء المكرُمات جليله

9. We visit his tomb, so it gives us profit
From what is transmitted and spoken about him.

٩. نؤمُّ ثراه زائريني فنقتني
فوائدَ من منقوله ومقوله

10. Through Abdul Rahim the Virtuous has burst forth for us
A spring whose streams of excellence copiously flow.

١٠. بعبد الرحيم الفاضل انبجست لنا
عيون العُلا تجري بمدِّ سيوله

11. Understandings were cross-pollinated from his breaths,
So that all we knew in abundance is now little.

١١. تلقَّحت الأفهامُ من نفثاته
فكلُّ كثيرٍ عندنا من قليله

12. When we praise him for his merit,
We see the amplest eulogy as inadequate for his stature.

١٢. إذا نحن أثنينا عليه بفضلهِ
رأينا جزيلَ المدحِ دون جزيله

13. I see him as one who gave to the same degree as he saw
In giving, in his soul, his own worth.

١٣. أراه الذي أعطاه مثل الذي رأى
باعطائهِ في نفسِه في سليلهِ