
My reproacher prolonged her blaming of me and refuting me

أطلت عاذلتي لومي وتفنيدي

1. My reproacher prolonged her blaming of me and refuting me
While you remain ignorant of my passion and my glorification

١. أَطَلتِ عاذِلَتي لَومي وَتَفنيدي
وَأَنتِ جاهِلَةٌ شَوقي وَتَسهيدي

2. The gazelle with bright forehead and cheek does not drink happiness among the listeners out of blame
Bent with pain, he tells with his cheek the water of grapes

٢. لا تَشرَبَ الراحَ بَينَ المُسمِعاتِ وَزُر
ظَبياً غَريراً نَقِيَّ الخَدِّ وَالجيدِ

3. The trusted one stood up and enriched all the people
So no poor person remains in a state without finding

٣. قَد رَنَّحَتهُ شُمولٌ فَهوَ مُنجَدِلٌ
يَحكي بِوَجنَتِهِ ماءَ العَناقيدِ

٤. قامَ الأَمينُ فَأَغنى الناسَ كُلَّهُمُ
فَما فَقيرٌ عَلى حالٍ بِمَوجودِ