
Since I entered the palace in distress

ما زلت منذ دخلت القصر في كرب

1. Since I entered the palace in distress
I have been raving about you morning and night, I cannot forget you

١. ما زِلتُ مُنذُ دَخَلتُ القَصرَ في كَرَبٍ
أَهذي بِذِكرِكِ صَبّاً لَستُ أَنساكِ

2. Do not think that, even though the curtains of your palace
Have been drawn and stand between me seeing you

٢. لا تَحسَبيني وَإِن حَجّابُ قَصرِكُم
سَدّوا الحِجابَ وَحالوا دونَ رُؤياكِ

3. I have become embittered by what I was, oh my delight
In the days when I could see you whenever I wished

٣. إِنّي تَعَيَّرتُ عَمّا كُنتُ يا سَكَني
أَيّامَ كُنتُ إِذا ما شِئتُ أَلقاكَ

4. But my love for you has worn me out and tortured me
While you are at ease; blessed are you, blessed are you

٤. لَكِنَّ حُبَّكِ أَبلاني وَعَذَّبَني
وَأَنتِ في راحَةٍ طوباكِ طوباكِ