
Drink and sing to the voice of the flutes

إشربب وغن على صوت النواعير

1. Drink and sing to the voice of the flutes
I wouldn't have known them were it not for Ibn Mansur

١. إِشربَب وَغَنِّ عَلى صَوتِ النَواعيرِ
ما كُنتُ أَعرِفُها لَولا اِبنُ مَنصورِ

2. Were it not for hope in the one I wished to see
I wouldn't have braved Baghdad in fear and delusion

٢. لَولا الرَجاءُ لِمَن أَمَّلتُ رُؤيَتَهُ
ما جُزتُ بِغدادَ مِن خَوفٍ وَتَغريرِ