1. Neither joy nor sorrow made me forget you
How could I, how could I forget your beautiful face?
١. لَم يُنسِنيكِ سُرورٌ لا وَلا حَزَنُ
وَكَيفَ لا كَيفَ يُنسى وَجهُكِ الحَسَنُ
2. Neither my heart nor my body is without you
I am totally preoccupied and enthralled by all of you
٢. وَلا خَلا مِنكِ لا قَلبي وَلَا جَسَدي
كُلّي بِكُلِّكِ مَشغولٌ وَمُرتَهَنُ
3. Since your singular beauty captivated me
I have had nothing from you but anxiety and sorrow
٣. وَحيدَةَ الحُسنِ مالي مِنكِ مُذ كَلَفَت
نَفسي بِحُبِّكِ إِلّا الهَمُّ وَالحَزَنُ
4. A light born from sun and moon
Until in it the soul and body became complete
٤. نورٌ تَوَلَّدَ مِن شَمسٍ وَمِن قَمَرٍ
حَتّى تَكامَلَ فيهِ الروحُ وَالبَدَنُ