
I have become accustomed to passion until passion has taken hold of me

ألفت الهوى حتى تشبث بي الهوى

1. I have become accustomed to passion until passion has taken hold of me
And mounted me on a difficult steed

١. أَلِفتُ الهَوى حَتّى تَشَبَّثَ بِيَ الهَوى
وَأَردَفَني مِنهُ عَلى مَركَبٍ صَعبِ

2. My writings cannot be read and there is nothing to be seen in me
And the fire of passion, out of yearning, is kindled in my heart

٢. كِتابِيَ لا يَقرى وَما بي لا يَرى
وَنارُ الهَوى شَوقاً تُوَقَّدُ في قَلبي