
A stranger weeping in the meadow for his yearning,

ومغترب بالمرج يبكي لشجوه

1. A stranger weeping in the meadow for his yearning,
While those made happy by love are gone from him.

١. وَمُغتَرِبٍ بِالمَرجِ يَبكي لِشَجوِهِ
وَقد غابَ عَنهُ المُسعِدونَ عَلى الحُبِّ

2. Whenever a caravan passes by coming from his homeland,
He breathes in the air eagerly to savor home's scent.

٢. إِذا ما أَتاهُ الرَكبُ مِن نَحوِ أَرضِهِ
تَنَشَّقَ يَستَشفي بِرائِحَةِ الرَكبِ