1. Alas, O the ugliest of both beings in deed,
And the best that eyes have beheld,
١. أَلا يا أَقبَحَ الثَقَلَينِ فِعلاً
وَأَحسَنَ ما تَأَمَّلَتِ العُيونُ
2. He sees beauty, yet does not reward it,
And inflicts on me the punishment of suspicions.
٢. يَرى حُسناً فَلا يَجزي عَلَيهِ
وَيُنزِلُ بي عُقوبَتَهُ الظُنونُ
3. Yet I belie in him my suspicion,
And with me there is certainty from its testimonies.
٣. وَلَكِنّي أُكَذِّبُ فيهِ ظَنّي
وَعِندي مِن شَواهِدِهِ يَقينُ