
Alas! Is there one to whom I may complain

ألا من لي بإنسان

1. Alas! Is there one to whom I may complain
Of the anguish of separation in my heart?

١. أَلا مَن لي بِإِنسانِ
كوى قَلبي بِهِجرانِ

2. One who judges and rules over me
With injustice and transgression?

٢. وَقاضٍ حاكِمٍ فِيَّ
بِظُلمٍ وَبِعَدوانِ

3. Indeed, this love has unleashed
The worst of tyrants upon us.

٣. لَقَد سَلَّطَ ذا الحُبَّ
عَلَينا شَرُّ سُلطانِ