
Many a bare-backed one, ribs projecting

رب عاري الظهر منعفر

1. Many a bare-backed one, ribs projecting,
Flanks sunk in, whom in his prime

١. رُبَّ عاري الظَهرِ مُنعَفِرٍ
لاحِقِ الجنبَينِ مِن ضُمُرِه

2. Age had bent double, was straight and upright
Ere the womb confined him.

٢. كان في الأَصلاب مُنحَنياً
قَبلَ مَدِّ الدَهرِ مِن عُمُرِه

3. Then did senility add to his bend;
The vertebrae of his spine close-knitted

٣. ثُمَّ قَد زاد الحنُوَّ لَهُ
شدُّ حَقوَيهِ إلى قُتُرِه

4. When the ligaments slackened in their office.
He lies buried in earth, dust-covered,

٤. أُحكِمَت منهُ مَرائرُهُ
حينَ كفَّ الرَبطُ مِن مَدَرِه

5. Of slight esteem, though his mouth gapes wide
As he meets his feeder and takes his food,

٥. كامِنٍ في التُربِ مُندفنٍ
وَضَئيلِ الجِسمِ مُحتَقَرِه

6. Which tempts the beholder observant
And deludes the imprudent, till, when he essays it,

٦. وَأَكُفُّ الحَينِ مُشرَعَةٌ
لملاقيهِ فَمُختَبِرِه

7. He casts it hastily away, mindful
That if it profit it may also endanger.

٧. فيهِ أقواتٌ مُطَمِّعَةٌ
نَفسَ رائيه وَمُعتَبِرِه

8. How shall his safeguards avail to deliver him
When the hands of Destiny follow after?

٨. فإذا المغرورُ حاولَها
نَبَذَت للحَينِ في ذكرِه

٩. فنحاهُ مُعجِلٌ حَذراً
لَو أصابَ النَفعَ في حَذَرِه

١٠. كيفَ تُنجيهِ معاصِمُهُ
وَيَدُ الأقدارِ في أَثَرِه