1. We set out at dawn, when night's hem was fading,
As dawn broke and night took its leave.
١. غدونا وطرفُ الليلِ وسنانُ غابرُ
وقد نزل الأصابح والليل سائرُ
2. With a smooth-gaited steed, chestnut as a hawk,
The finest I've tried of racers.
٢. بأجدلَ من حُمر الصقور مؤدَّب
وأكرمُ ما جرَّبتَ منها الأحامر
3. Bold to slaughter gazelles, yet I delight
To see the wild beast take wing.
٣. جريءٌ على قتل الظباء وأنني
ليعجبني أن يقتل الوحش طائرُ
4. Short-tailed, compact, as though his forelegs
Were an eagle's talons or Indian blades.
٤. قصير الذنابى والقُدامى كأنها
قوادم نسرٍ أو سيوف بواتر
5. His flanks are dappled as if the scrolls
Of calligraphy lent him their patterned pages.
٥. ورُقِّشِ منه جؤجؤٌ فكأنما
أعارته أعجام الحروفِ الدفاترُ
6. He kept to the valley-beds until I shaped him,
None can outstrip him but the full-moon racer.
٦. وما زالت بالأضمار حتى صنعتهُ
وليس يحوز السبق إلا الضوامر
7. He bears me onward, held in honored hands,
As pulpit platforms are graced by the preacher.
٧. وتحمله منا أكفٌّ كريمةٌ
كما زُهِيَت بالخاطبين المنابر
8. From a hillside a small flock sprang up
On paths well-trodden where sheep gather.
٨. فعنَّ لنا من جانب السفح ربربٌ
على سَنَنٍ تستنُّ فيه الجآذر
9. He pulled clear and loosened the knot of his pace—
The lead ones, when he got among them, scattered.
٩. فجَلّى وحُلَّت عقدة السير فانتحى
لأولها إذ أمكنته الأواخر
10. His wings churning the air by his cheeks
As turbans' crepelike folds flutter free.
١٠. يحثُّ جناحيه على حرِّ وجهه
كما فصِّلت فوق الخدود المغافر
11. Scarcely had my gaze flickered back when I saw
The flock studded with blades plunging among them.
١١. فما تمَّ رجعُ الطرفِ حتى رأيتُها
مصرَّعة تهوي إليها الخناجر
12. Even so is my delight as I close to pursue,
Like a hunter exulting, sure of his quarry!
١٢. كذلك لذاتي وما نالَ لذةً
كطالب صيدٍ ينكفي وهو ظافر