1. With wine whose daylight is eclipsed by its glow,
And whose skirts make the darkness cower before its brilliance,
١. ومُدامةٍ يَخفى النهارُ لنورِها
وتَذِلُّ أكنافً الدجى لضيائها
2. When poured it focuses its light through its glass,
As if it was made to be contained in its vessel.
٢. صُبَّت فأَحدَقَ نورُها بزُجاجِها
فكأَنها جُعِلَت إناءَ إنائها
3. When poured it appears in its goblet,
With its hues receding to its edges.
٣. وتُرى إذا صُبَّت بَدَت في كأسها
متقاصرَ الأَرجاءِ عن أرجائها
4. And if mixed, it nearly separates, so delicate its color,
From its water at the point of mingling.
٤. وتَكادُ إن مُزِجَت لرقَّةِ لونها
تَمتازُ عند مِزاجِها من مائِها
5. A golden hue beside which the sun seems dark
In its glow, like the night in its lights.
٥. صفراء تُضحي الشمسُ إن قيست بها
في ضوئها كالليل في أضوائها
6. And if you survey the air, you see it
Turbid next to its excellent clarity.
٦. وإذا تصفَّحتَ الهواءَ رأيتهُ
كَدِرَ الأَديمة عند حُسنِ صفائها
7. It increases in generosity the more
The days diminish its parts.
٧. تَزدادُ مِن كَرمِ الطباعِ بقَدرِ ما
تودي به الأيامُ من أجزائِها
8. Nothing is more wondrous than its generation
Of health from its sickness, and its medicine from its disease.
٨. لا شيء أعجَب من تَوَلُّد بُرئِها
من سُقمِها ودَوائِها مِن دائِها