
The poets are perplexed when they hear of it

يتحير الشعراء إن سمعوا به

1. The poets are perplexed when they hear of it
Of its skillfully crafted composition

١. يتحيَّر الشعراءُ إن سَمِعوا بهِ
في حُسنِ صنعتِه وفي تأليفهِ

2. It's as if in its proximity to their understanding
And their inability to match its composition

٢. فكأنه في قُربه من فَهمِهم
ونكولهم في العَجزِ عن ترصيفهِ

3. A tree appeared beautiful in its growth
Yet its fruits were beyond reach

٣. شجرٌ بَدا للعَينِ حسنُ نباتهِ
ونأى عن الأيدي جَنى مقطوفهِ

4. So when its clarity is combined with its subtlety
And combined with its uniqueness and charm

٤. فإذا قرنت أَبِيَّه بمُطيعهِ
وقرنته بغَريبه وطريفه

5. You find its meaning matches its wording
And its composition is refined in its subtlety

٥. ألفيت معناه يطابق لَفظَه
والنظم منه جليُّه بلطيفهِ

6. So it came to him well-composed in his excellence
Adorned by him with a delicate string

٦. فأتاه متَّسِقاً على إحسانه
قد نيط منه رَزينه بخفيفه

7. I have refined it and made it last for you
And prevented the passing of time from altering it

٧. هذَّبتُه فجعلتُه لك باقيا
ومنعت صرفَ الدهر عن تَصريفه