1. I say as Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad said
And if you wish, what's between composers in poetry
١. أقول كما قال الخليل بن أحمد
وإن شتَّ ما بين الناظمين في الشعر
2. You blamed for what if you knew some of it
You'd make way for blame and excuse instead of censure
٢. عذلت على ما لو علمت ببعضه
فسحت مكان اللوم والعذل من عذر
3. You were ignorant and did not know that you are ignorant
So who can make you realize that you do not realize
٣. جهلت ولم تعلم بأنك جاهل
فمن لي بان تدري بانك لا تدري