1. His traces protect the lands and his roar
Before the encounter subdues the breaths
١. آثاره تحمي البقاعَ وزأرُه
قبل اللقاء يُطِّع الأنفاسا
2. My day to the brave, numerical hero in a glance
So the idea of his thought becomes obsession
٢. يومي إلى البطل الكميِّ بلحظه
فيحول خاطرُ فكره وسواسا
3. The sights of creation shake in fear of him
So their glances see the morning darkened
٣. ترتاع أبصار الورى من خوفه
فترى نواظرها الضحى أغلاسا
4. The beginnings of his might are feared until he is seen
With fear of him everything seems downcast
٤. تُخشى بوادرُ بأسه حتى يُرى
بالخوف منه كلُّ شيءٍ باسا