1. And when you see in her left palm as it tells,
The hand of a calculator casting sums at you,
١. وإذا بصُرت بكفِّها اليسرى حكت
يد حاسبٍ تُلقي عليك صنوفا
2. It's as though the plectrum among the strings
Were a pen splashing letters in a book.
٢. فكأنما المِضرابُ في أوتاره
قَلمٌ يمَجمجُ في الكتاب حروفا
3. And her thumb sensing them is as if
It were wiping out clutter and superfluities in tapping.
٣. ويجسُّه إِبهامُها فكأنما
في النَقر تنفي بهرَجاً وزُيوفا