
I kissed him stealthily away from the watcher's eye,

قبلته خلسة من عين راقبه

1. I kissed him stealthily away from the watcher's eye,
And he sensed what my yearning lips had sensed.

١. قَبَّلتُه خلسةً من عين راقبه
وَمَسَّ ما مَس من ثغري مُشَنَّفُهُ

2. He blushed from shyness and paled from apprehension,
While the beauty of the beautiful was most charming in its perplexity.

٢. فأحمرَّ من خَجَلٍ واصفرَّ من وجَلٍ
وحيرةُ الحسن بين الحسن أطرَفُهُ