
The fate of the clan and my restless nights

نام الخلي وما أحس رقادي

1. The fate of the clan and my restless nights
And worries lie in wait for me and my lonely abode

١. نامَ الخليُّ وما أُحسّ رُقادي
والهمُّ مُحتَضرٌ لَدَي وِبادي

2. Without illness that made me frail, yet some worries
Have stricken, I feel, and seized my heart

٢. من غير ما سَقمٍ ولكن شفّني
همٌّ أراهُ قد أصابَ فؤادي

3. And of events, I care not that I am
Struck down upon this earth with misfortunes

٣. وَمن الحوادث لا أبالك أنني
ضُربت عليَّ الأرضُ بالأسدادِ

4. I cannot find my way in it to a place of refuge
Between Iraq and the land of Murad

٤. لا أهتدي فيها لِموضع تَلعَةٍ
بينَ العراق وبين أرض مُرادِ

5. And certainly I knew, apart from what you told me
That the path is the path of one beset with calamities

٥. ولقد علمتُ سِوى الذي نبأتِنى
أنَّ السبيلَ سبيلُ ذي الأعوادِ

6. Verily death and misfortunes both
Fulfill their pledge, climbing my darkness

٦. إن المنيّةَ والحتُوفَ كلاهما
يُوفي المخارمَ يرقيان سوادي

7. They will not be pleased with me unless
I ransom myself, my freshness and offspring

٧. لن يَرضيا مني وفاءَ رَهينةٍ
من دُونِ نَفسي طارفي وتِلادى

8. What can I hope for after the kin of Muharraq
Who left their dwellings and after their hands' work

٨. ماذا أُؤملُ بَعدَ آلِ مُحرِّقٍ
تَركوا مَنازِلَهُم وبعدَ أيادِ

9. The people of Khawarnaq, Sudair and Baraq
And the palace with the honorable chambers from Sindad

٩. أهل الخَوَرنق والسدير وبَارقٍ
والقصر ذي الشُرُفاتِ من سندادِ

10. A land they chose for their father's abode
Ka'b bin Zuhair and son of Umm Du'ad

١٠. أرضاً تخيّرها لدار أبيهم
كعبُ بنُ مامَة وابنُ أمِّ دُؤادِ

11. The winds blew upon the place of their dwellings
As though they were there for an appointed time

١١. جَرت الرياحُ على مكان ديارهم
فكأنما كانوا على ميعادِ

12. And they sang in it with the most pleasant living
In the shade of established kingship

١٢. ولَقد غَنوا فيها بأنعَم عيشةٍ
في ظلِّ مُلكٍ ثابت الأوتادِ

13. They dwelled in Anqarah with Euphrates' water
Flowing upon them coming from springs

١٣. نَزلوا بأنقرة يسيلُ عليهمُ
ماءُ الفراتِ يجيءُ من أطوادِ

14. Where are those who built, so long their building lasted,
And enjoyed family and children?

١٤. أين الذَين بنوا فطال بناؤهم
وتَمتّعوا بالأهل والأولادِ

15. Lo, luxury and all they were diverted by
One day turns into decay and depletion

١٥. فإذا النعيمُ وكلُّ ما يُلهى به
يوماً يَصيرُ إِلى بِلى ونفَادِ

16. In the clan of Gharaf, if you wished me sorrow
You would find in them the example of counters

١٦. في آل غَرف لو بَغيتَ لي الأسى
لوجدتَ فيهم أسوةَ العُدّادِ

17. After Zayd among the damsels they were separated
Killed and exiled after fair accord

١٧. ما بَعد زَيد في فتاةٍ فُرّقوا
قتلاً ونفياً بعدَ حُسنِ تآدي

18. So they chose the open land for their glory
With its streams increasing over meadows

١٨. فتخيَّروا الأرض الفضاءَ لِعزّهم
ويَزيدُ رافدُهم على الرُفادِ

19. Do you not see me, I am worn out and it saddened me
What I gained from my sight and skin

١٩. أما تَريني قد بَليتُ وغاضَني
ما نيل من بَصَري ومن أجلادي

20. And I disobeyed the hoodwinkers and youth
And obeyed my blamer though pliant her rein

٢٠. وعَصيتُ أَصحابَ الصَّبابةِ والصّبا
وأطعتُ عاذلتي ولانَ قِيادي

21. And I would go to the merchants stumbling
Debased in my money, submissive my steeds

٢١. وَلقد أروُح عَلى التّجار مُرَجِّلاً
مَذِلاً بِمالي لَيِّناً أَجيادي

22. And I sported, and for youth is sweetness
With fine wine mixed with water from streams

٢٢. ولقد لَهوتُ وللشباب لذاذةٌ
بسُلافَةٍ مُزجَت بماءِ غَوادي

23. Wine whose buds inspired speech
And for dirhams it presented carpets

٢٣. من خَمر ذي نَطف أغَنَّ مُنطق
وافى بها لدراهِم الأسجادِ

24. With it, one with curled locks exerted effort
His fingers calloused from knocking on doors

٢٤. يَسعى بها ذو تُومتين مُشَمِّرٌ
قنَأَت أناملُهُ منَ الفُرصادِ

25. And the white ones walked like moons and like statues
And delicate ones walked with a gentle gait

٢٥. والبيضُ تَمشي كالبدُورِ وكالدُّمى
ونواعمٌ يَمشينَ بِالأَرفادِ

26. And the white ones cast hearts as if they
Were a flock between battle and inanimate nature

٢٦. والبيضُ يَرمينَ القلوبَ كأنَّها
أُدحِيُّ بينَ صَريمةٍ وجَمَادِ

27. They speak softly and they are delicate
White of face, tender of liver

٢٧. يَنطقنَ مَعرُوفاً وهُنَّ نَواعِمٌ
بيضُ الوُجوهِ رقيقةُ الأكبادِ

28. They speak in hushed whispers, voices lowered
And so attained what they attempted without calling out

٢٨. يَنطقنَ مخفوضَ الحديثِ تَهامُساً
فَبلَغنَ ما حاوَلنَ غَير تَنادي

29. And I frequented a dissolute bachelor
Who twisted his mustache, pliant his visitors

٢٩. ولَقَد غَدوتُ لِعازبٍ مُتَناذِرٍ
أَحوَى المَذانبِ مُؤنَق الرّوادِ

30. His bracelets generous and his cloak scented
With wafts of yellow and grey

٣٠. جادَت سَواريهِ وآزرَ نبتُهُ
نُفأً مِن الصَّفراءِ والزُّبادِ

31. At midday, around a daredevil, the dead
So, with his sheath, short spear and horses

٣١. بالجو فالأموات حَول مغامرٍ
فبِضارج فقصيمَة الطُّرادِ

32. With a turbaned one, his tightening at preparation
Binding the ropes and wagering his steed

٣٢. بمُشَمرٍ عِند جَهيز شدُّهُ
قيد الأوابدِ والرهانِ جوادِ

33. He grills for us the fatling slaughtered in his presence
A cooking between tightening and letting loose

٣٣. يشوي لنا الوحَدَ المُدلَّ بحُضرهِ
بشريج بين الشدِّ والإيرادِ

34. And I followed those madly in love in a night
I found the emigration of hawks mute rocks

٣٤. ولَقد تلوتُ الظاعِنينَ بجسرةٍ
أجد مهاجرةِ السقَاب جَمادِ

35. A caravan whom spring obstructed their maintenance
With them the resting place of caravans is not clear

٣٥. عَيرانةٍ سَدّ الربيعُ خصاصَها
ما يَستبين بها مَقيلُ قُرادِ

36. And when that has no end to its mention
And fate makes righteousness follow corruption

٣٦. فإذا وذلك لا مهاهَ لذِكرهِ
والدهرُ يُعقبُ صالِحاً بفسادِ