
Did she show the traces of her abode or did she not show

أبينت رسم الدار أم لم تُبينِ

1. Did she show the traces of her abode or did she not show
To Salma who was chaste between dogs and serpents

١. أبينت رسم الدار أم لم تُبينِ
لسلمى عفَت بين الكلاب وتيمنِ

2. As if the remnants of its trace after it disappeared
Were like the wind from it in the abode of an addict

٢. كأن بقايا رسمها بعد ما حلت
لكالريح منها عن محلّ مُدَمنِ

3. Gatherings of generosity and the playground of revelry
And fireplace whose pact in it was not lasting

٣. مجالس إيسارٍ وملعبُ سامرٍ
وموقد نار عهدها غير مزمنِ

4. Lines of Jews in their synagogues
Praising from Taima or the people of Medina

٤. سطورُ يهوديين في مُهرقيهما
مجيدين من تيماء أو أهل مدينِ

5. Except what you held back its setting
Your tears were not but like the buckets without rope and pulley

٥. فدمعك إِلا ما كففت غُروبَه
كوالفِ بال من مزاد وميّنِ

6. Crying over it every summer and square
As if its religions from the pilgrimage of the daughter of Muhajjin

٦. بكاء عليها كل صيف ومربع
كأديانه من عمرة ابنة محجنِ

7. Does my friend see, do you see any gazelles
Tomorrow morning coming to the abodes of Bain wellsprings

٧. تبصر خليلي هل ترى من ظعائن
غدونَ لبينٍ من نوى الحي أبيّنِ

8. Repenting, O Antioch, you who argue
Against Asharib from Yemen, the whitewashed

٨. تردّين أنطاكية ذات حُجةٍ
على شرعبي من يمان مُدهنِ

9. They came at night as visitors and they were silent
Heading northwards and the bedouins hastened to the right

٩. جَعلن بليل وارِدات وهصتما
شمالاً ويمَّمن البديّ بأيمنِ

10. So their sights appeared as if they were
On the highest glory, palm trees of the son of Yamin

١٠. فأضحت تراءها العيون كأنها
على الشرف الأعلى نخيل ابن يامن

11. Or the thickets of wild oleander, or as if they were
Chambers of virgins, the impregnable ships

١١. أو الأثأب العم الدري أو كأنها
خلايا عَدولي السَّفين المُعمن

12. They came and when the sun rose it no longer returned
So they hid among the delicate, soft-bodied Houris

١٢. فجئن وقرن الشمس لم يعد أن بدا
فغبن إِلى حورٍ نواعمبُدّن

13. And tilted their white patterned flasks
Medinite or fulfilled for her the pilgrimage of Muskkin

١٣. وكور على أنماط بيضٍ مزخرف
مدينيّةٍ أوفى بها حجّ مسكن

14. They said, "Rest us," they said, "With bounty
In the presence of every cautious piercer"

١٤. فقلن أقيلونا فقلن بنعمةٍ
لدى كل حذرٍ ذي ثقوب مزين

15. There looks at us from every bend and hillock
One whose cheeks are tinted, delicate, with eyes

١٥. يطالعننا من كل خمل وكلّةٍ
بمخضوبة حُمس لطاف وأعيُن

16. Did it not come to her that she was now awake from youth
And came to decrepitude and religion

١٦. ألم يأتها أن قد صحوت عن الصبا
وآلت إِلى أكرومةٍ وتدين

17. And parted from the pleasures of youth and its people
Like the parting of one who departs after settlement

١٧. وفارقت لذات الشباب وأهله
كمفرقة غاد مشيم ميمن

18. And of noble lineage she endured after it
Its meagerness and leanness, which was not easy

١٨. وذي نسب دانٍ تجلدت بعده
على رُزئه ورزؤه غيرُ هيّن

19. Generous whose palm rain bounty
Plenty, ashes of the pot, not sparked

١٩. كريم ثناه تمطر الخير كفه
كثير رماد القدر غير ملعَّن

20. Tomorrow he comes to me, not filled up
With a group nor is he weary of long boasting

٢٠. غدا غير مملولٍ لديّ جماعةٌ
ولا هو عن طول التفاخر ملّني

21. And the sorrow of grief is bitter in my heart
I disappointed it though man does not purposely grieve

٢١. وحَسرة حزنٍ في الفؤاد مريرة
تخيَّبتُها والمرءُ ما يغش يحزن

22. And the nobility of people warded me off from them
With the power of hands of men and tongues

٢٢. ونخوةُ أقوام عليّ درأتها
بسطوة أيدٍ من رجال وألسن

23. And the regret of truthfulness I do not see vice prevailing
In it for the stored wine of the addict

٢٣. وندمان صدقٍ لا يرى الفحش رائجاً
لديه لمخزون المدامة مدمن

24. It hurried to him while the chickens were nesting
Drowsy, and the morning ablution was not clear

٢٤. بكرت عليه والدجاج مُعرسٌ
جثومٌ وضوءُ الصبح لم يتبين

25. So the cup kept circling between him and I
When it was filled he said, "Come, let me tilt it!"

٢٥. فظلت تدور الكأس بيني وبينه
إذا هي أكرت قال صاح ألا أنثني

26. We were happy, made intimate, as if we were
People of Caesar or the family of Kisra bin Sasan

٢٦. فرحنا أصيلاناً ترانا كأننا
ذو قيصر أو آل كسرى بن سوسن

27. And a singing girl whose means of connection were cut
With a letter like the bow of Al-Hajari the Bent

٢٧. وغانيةٍ قطعت أسباب وصلها
بحرف كقوس الهاجري المضيّن

28. She nearly flies the saddle were it not for its strap
When she gallops to the yoked herd

٢٨. تكاد تطير الرحلَ لولا نُسوعهُ
إذا ثفنت إِلى القطيع المُقرَّن

29. As if my she-camels when they yielded and returned
On the path carried by the gentle gait

٢٩. كأن قُتودي حين لانت وراجعت
طريقة مرفوع من السير لين

30. In desolation which saddened his heart
Like the dogs of Dharih or the dogs of Ibn Mizin

٣٠. على وَحدٍ طاوٍ أقرّت فؤاده
كلابُ ذريح أو كلابُ ابن مِيزن

31. And as if my stallion remained imagining
Covering the vanguards with the brain of courage

٣١. وكأن مُهري ظلَّ ثم مخيلاً
يكسو الأسِنّةَ مغزةَ اللّجان