
Oh Allah, Oh Allah, Oh Allah, Oh Lord

الله الله الله الله ربنا

1. Oh Allah, Oh Allah, Oh Allah, Oh Lord
You, O Master of masters, are enough for us

١. اللَه اللَه اللَه اللَه رَبّنا
أَنتَ يا مَولى المَوالي حَسبنا

2. Bestow forgiveness upon us, O Master of the exalted assembly
For the enormity of sin has increased affliction

٢. جد لَنا بِالعَفو يا مَولى الملا
فَلعظم الذَنب قَد زادَ البلا

3. The matter has become dire, there is no power or might
Except through forgiveness may our sins be erased

٣. دهم الأَمر فَلا حَول وَلا
فَعسى بِالعَفو يُمحى ذَنبنا

4. Oh my God, by the chosen messenger
The light of lights, the secret of the unseen

٤. يا إِلَهي بِالرَسول المُصطَفى
نور عَين النورِ في سرّ الخَفا

5. Be for us in every horror a helper
And protector when our sorrows grow

٥. كُن لَنا في كُلّ هَول مُسعفا
وَمُجيراً حينَ يَنمو كربنا

6. Through You, my Master, our hope is good
And Your door is the highest aspiration

٦. بِكَ يا مَولاي أحسنا الرَجا
وَلنا بابك أَعلى مُرتَجى

7. Grant us escape from every strait
And riches in which our stars shine

٧. هَب لَنا مِن كُلّ ضيق مَخرَجا
وَغِنىً تشرقُ فيهِ شهبنا

8. By the noblest of creation, the seal of messengers
Ahmad, singled out with clear victory

٨. بأجلّ الخَلق ختم المُرسلين
أَحمد المَخصوص بِالفَتح المُبين

9. Enable, O Allah, the party of the faithful
That our party may attain honor and triumph

٩. وَفّق اللهمَّ حزب المُؤمنين
لِيَنال الفَوز عزّاً حزبنا

10. The nation of Islam, enable them, my Lord
That we may see the light of their guidance shining

١٠. أمّة الإِسلام رَبّي وفّقا
لِنَرى نور هُداهم مُشرِقا

11. And grant, O Allah, pardon and piety
And affection in which grows our love

١١. وَاِمنَح اللهمَّ عَفواً وَتُقى
وَوِداداً فيهِ يَنمو حُبّنا

12. And upon the Chosen One, best of the purified
First of creation, seal of prophets

١٢. وَعَلى المُختار خَير الأَصفيا
أَوّل الخَلق خِتام الأَنبيا

13. Blessings of Allah as long as life remains
A meadow to which our mounts travelled

١٣. صَلَوات اللَه ما حَيّا الحَيا
رَوضة حَجَّ إِلَيها رَكبُنا

14. And upon his family and companions forever
They are the protectors of religion, signs of guidance

١٤. وَعَلى الآل وَصَحب سرمدا
هُم حُماة الدين أَعلام الهُدى

15. And upon every saint who ever strove
Yearning or wandering, the fervor of our love poured forth

١٥. وَعَلى كُلِّ وَليٍّ ما شَدا
مُنشد أَو هام وَجداً صبّنا