
The voice of your singing enchanted the meadows

أشاقك صوت غنا الأورق

1. The voice of your singing enchanted the meadows
Was it the lightning flashing or timber groaning?

١. أَشاقك صَوت غنا الأَورَق
عَلى البان أَم بارقُ الأبرقِ

2. So your tears flowed copiously at dawn
Spreading like the slithering of a huge serpent

٢. فَأَصبَح دَمعك هتّانه
يَسحُّ كَسحّ الحَيا المغدقَ

3. Or did time make its judgement absolute
Turning tyrannical, showing you no mercy?

٣. أَم الدَهر أَحكم أحكامه
فَجار فجوراً وَلَم يَرفقِ

4. So, wisely, you exercised patience
With the resignation of a pious, calm sage

٤. فَصَبراً هديتَ عَلى ما قَضى
بِهِ اللَهُ صَبرَ حَليمٍ تَقي

5. For time brings ease and takes hardship away
So do not separate the two, have no regrets

٥. هُوَ الدَهر يَأتي بِيسر كَما
يَروح بِعسرٍ فَلا تَفرقِ

6. Between ease and hardship just a subtle sign
From the blink of an eye in a moment fleeting

٦. وَما بَين يُسرٍ وَعُسرٍ سِوى
إِشارة لمحٍ مِن المُحدقِ

7. Thus Allah judged in His creation
And the door of Divine care remains open

٧. بِهَذا قَضى اللَه في خَلقه
وَباب العِناية لَم يغلقِ

8. So trust in the Bountiful One whose ways
Are to answer prayers, never to disappoint

٨. فَثق بِالكَريم فَعاداتهُ
إِجابة دَعوة مُستَوثقِ

9. Who consoles you with care, feels your affliction
One knowledgeable of his people and their ways

٩. وَهاك وَصيّة مُستنصحٍ
يُواسيك بِالنُصح كَالمُشفقِ

10. Who by the sea of error was not drowned
Shun the company of the base and lowly

١٠. خَبير بِحال بَني عَصرهِ
بِبَحر الغِواية لم يغرقِ

11. That you may yet rise to glory and renown
Accompany none but the man of knowledge

١١. تَجنَّب مُعاشرَة الأَدنيا
عَساكَ إِلى المَجد أَن تَرتَقي

12. And none but the reasonable as companions
And those detached, and men of noble deeds

١٢. وَلا تَصحَبنَّ سِوى عالم
وَغَيرَ أَخي الحلم لا تَعشَقِ

13. Whose hearts are unsullied by bonds enchaining
And if some rude foolish men should one day

١٣. وَغَير أَخي الزَهد أَو ماجد
كَريم بِقَلبك لا يَعلقِ

14. Insult you in their boorish vulgar accosting
Restrain your tongue from answering their abuse

١٤. وَإِن يَبغِ يَوماً علَيك الجَهولُ
وَيسفَه بِخلقٍ لَه ضيّقِ

15. For the restrained is not like the unrestrained
And do not speak without considered thought

١٥. فَقيّد لِسانك عَن شَتمه
فَلَيسَ المقيَّد كالمُطلقِ

16. For trials result from unrestrained talking
And if you pardon, pardoning is a part of piety

١٦. وَلا تَنطقنَّ بِلا حكمَةٍ
فَإِنّ البَلاء مِن المَنطقِ

17. And you know the rank of the God-fearing
Do not harm your gentle soul, its essence

١٧. وَإِن تَعفُ فَالعَفو بَعض التُقى
وَناهيك مَنزلة المُتَّقي

18. With the fire of anger that's apt to destroy
For in people the state of a man is known

١٨. وَما ضَرّ نَفسك ياقوتها
بِنار التَجلُّد لَم يحرقِ

19. Though fortune does not bless all equally
Do not give your affection to a fool

١٩. وَفي الناس يُعلم حال الفَتى
وَلَيسَ السَعيد بِها كَالشَقي

20. For the rift of folly cannot be repaired
Indeed, the sorest trial for the wise

٢٠. فَلا تُصفِ ودّكَ مِن أَحمَق
فَفَتق الحَماقة لَم يُرتقِ

21. Is to keep company with the foolish lout

٢١. وَإِن أَشدَّ بِلاءِ الحَليم
مُعاشرة الجاهلِ الأَحمَقِ