
Why does the lover roam around the abode,

ما للمتيم حائما حول الحمى

1. Why does the lover roam around the abode,
Alas! How much the beloved prevents the lover.

١. ما لِلمُتيَّمِ حائِماً حَولَ الحِمى
وَيلاه كَم مَنَعَ الحَبيبُ مُتيَّما

2. I used to claim, before knowing passion,
That hearts are the abodes of regrets.

٢. قَد كُنت أَزعم قَبل مَعرفة الهَوى
أَنّ القُلوب هِيَ المواطنُ لِلدُمى

3. Until my body saw love, leaving naught of me
Except a phantom that hallucinates.

٣. حَتّى بَرى جَسَدي الغَرام فَلَم يَدع
مِنّي سِوى شَبَحٍ يَلوحُ تَوَهُّما

4. It is not the love of gentle gazelles, but
Ahmad's character that made me fall in love.

٤. ما بي هَوى الغيدِ الحِسان وَإِنَّما
أَخلاقُ أَحمدَ قَد دَعَتنيَ مغرَما

5. I ransom the one whom beauty granted piety,
And who attained perfection, thus excelling.

٥. أَفدي الَّذي وَهَبَ الجَمالُ لَهُ التُقى
وَحَوى الكَمالَ فَحازَ فيهِ تَقَدُّما

6. Valiant, if the eloquent were sent to describe him,
A pen would be defeated by the task, muted.

٦. شَهمٌ لَو اِنتدبَ البَليغ لِوَصفِهِ
قَلَماً لأَعجزه المقامُ وَأَفحَما

7. Refined in manners, his gentle compassion
Became a balm for the wounded conscience.

٧. وَمُهَذَّبُ الأَخلاقِ باهِرُ لُطفِهِ
أَمسى لِمَجروح الحَشاشة مَرهَما

8. Amongst a people who in my eyes are like light,
Not a people whose sights to me are blind.

٨. في مَعشَرٍ هُم في عُيوني كَالضِيا
لا مَعشَرٍ أَنا في نَواظرهم عَمى

9. Of a people who were singled out by praise
In eloquence, after once being inarticulate.

٩. مِن مَعشَرٍ لَهُمُ قَد اِستَثنى الثَنا
مِنّي فَأَعرَبَ بَعد ما قَد أَعجَما

10. A master following the way of the Master of Messengers,
When he adhered, embodying perfection fully.

١٠. مَولىً بِسنّة سَيّد الرُسل اِقتَدى
حينَ اِلتَحى فَحَوى الكَمال مُتَمَّما

11. A man is not honored unless he is
Tall, with the hair of his temples thick.

١١. وَالمَرءُ غَير مُوقَّر ما لَم يَكُن
فَخماً نَبات العارِضين مفخَّما

12. Like a sword embellished with its sheath
And a meadow adorned by its plants' bloom.

١٢. كَالنصلِ يشرفُ بِالفرندِ تَجمُّلاً
وَالرَوضِ يَزهو بالنَباتِ تَوسُّما

13. A bough is most beautiful when leafy,
And a garment most pleasing when embroidered.

١٣. وَالغُصنُ أَبهَجُ ما يَشوقك مورقاً
وَالثَوبُ أَجمَلُ ما يُروقك مُعلما

14. A neck is finest when collared,
And a mouth loveliest when veiled.

١٤. وَالجيدُ أَحسَن ما يَكُون مُقلّداً
وَالثَغر ألطفُ ما تَراهُ ملثَّما

15. A trait by which the honor of manhood always
Grew, as did the glory of awe it inspired.

١٥. سِمَةٌ بِها شَرَفُ الرُجولةِ لَم يَزَل
يَنمو كَما عِزُّ المَهابَةِ قَد نَما

16. And the sublime depiction with which The Creator adorned
A master, traced back to the Prophet's family.

١٦. وَبَديعُ وَصفٍ زيَّن الباري بِهِ
مَولىً إِلى آل الرَسولِ قَد اِنتَمى

17. The full moon of his Sunnah acts rose,
For glory, in the zodiac of virtues as stars.

١٧. بَدر مَآثره السَنيّةُ أَطلَعَت
لِلمَجدِ في فلك المَكارم أَنجُما

18. With noble traits that heal the sick of grief,
And exemplary conduct that quenches the thirsty.

١٨. شِيَمٌ بِها يَشفى العَليل مِن الضَنى
وَنُهىً بِها يروى الغَليل مِن الظَما

19. And sublime qualities, in hearts made wealthy,
Need no eloquent tongue to translate.

١٩. وَشَمائل في الخافِقين غَنيّة
عَن أَن يَكونَ لَها اللِسان مُتَرجما

20. Verily I praise Ahmad, the foremost of the sublime folk,
For whom the earth and sky compete in pride.

٢٠. إِنّي لأَحمَدُ أَحمَدَ القَومِ الأُلى
قامَت تُفاخرُ فيهمُ الأَرض السَما

21. O you who aspires to an ennoblement leading to ascension
Date the Sunnah of Ahmad - glory everlasting.

٢١. يا مَن يَرومُ تَشرّفاً يَسمو بِهِ
أرّخ لسنَّةِ أَحمَدٍ شَرف سَما