
By night's passion, by morning's drink,

أما وليل عذاريه وما وسقا

1. By night's passion, by morning's drink,
By his moon-bright face when it is clear,

١. أَما وَلَيل عذاريه وَما وَسَقا
وَوَجهه القَمَر الزاهي إِذا اِتَّسَقا

2. By the dawning light on his brow beneath the dark,
Till his eyes from excess of joy disappear,

٢. وَصادِ صُبح جَبين تَحتَ دال دُجىً
تَغيب عَين الضُحى مِن فَرقهِ فَرَقا

3. I am mindful of his perfections that excell'd,
So I thank his nature and manners well bred.

٣. إِنّي لَأَذكُر ما خَصّت شَمائله
بِهِ فَأَشكُر مِنهُ الخَلق وَالخُلقا

4. He sways his pliant form, else had not mine eyes
Seen the full moon on branch of willow swaying;

٤. مُهفهف القَدِّ لَولاه لَما نَظرت
عَيناي بَدرَ دياجٍ فَوقَ غُصن نَقا

5. Dear is his charm and speech for their meaning's sake,
My hearing and sight for his doors contending run.

٥. عَزيز حُسن لِمَعناه وَمَنطقه
طَرفي وَسَمعي إِلى أَبوابه اِستَبَقا

6. How oft from the languorous lids and the lightning glance
Free I'ld roam and the bowl of love relinquish.

٦. كَم رُحت مِن حدق الأَلحاظ مُصطَبِحاً
راحا وَمِن قَدَح الأَلفاظ مُغتَبِقا

7. He shows us the song's enchanting melodies,
As though a sun deposited in her train sunset glows.

٧. جَلا لَنا خندريس الحان مرشفه
كَأَنَّما هِيَ شَمس أودعَت شَفَقا

8. Blush, O cup of wine, from his cheek in shame,
Till from thy brim sweat drops glide down.

٨. فَاِحمرّ كَأس الطلا مِن خَدّه خَجَلاً
حَتّى تَصبّب مِن راووقهِ عرقا

9. Sleep! O heavy-lidded one, deny me rest,
While to thy love-sick heart repose granting.

٩. حتّامَ يا ناعس الأَجفان تَمنَعني
كَرىً وَتَمنَحُ مَضناكَ الشَجي أَرَقا

10. Tempter! thy slaying glance, O moon-faced one,
Left in me no life by its shooting.

١٠. فَتّان ناظرك الفَتّاك يا قَمَراً
تركيُّ لَحظيهِ لَم يَترُك بِنا رَمَقا

11. Does the rose adorn his cheek or blossoms
Of the lily-bloom, O thou who rose thy veil.

١١. أسيّج الوَرد رَيحان بِخدِّك أَم
زَهر البَنَفسج يا مَن قَد سَما وَرَقا

12. He reveled in the garden of Khazami's verse,
Fed by the fount of thy cheeks, and joy greeted him.

١٢. رَعى رِياض الخُزامي طَرف واردها
مِن وَجنَتيك وَحيّاها الحَيا وَسَقى

13. I wondered at the garden that gained a hot sun,
My heart for it burning is the proof.

١٣. عَجبت مِن جَنّة حازَت سَمير لَظىً
دَليله أَنّ في قَلبي لَها حرقا

14. It is bliss; in it shade and cool shade for us,
Why then does my heart meet therein grief and woe!

١٤. هِيَ النَعيم بِها الظلّ الظَليل لَنا
ما بالُ قَلبي بِها يَلقى عَناً وَشَقا