1. And orange trees, as if their fruit
Were garnets filled with pearls,
١. وأشجار نارنج كأنّ ثمارها
حقاق عقيق قد ملئن من الدُرِّ
2. Peer at us through the boughs as though they were
The green-wrapped cheeks of bashful girls.
٢. تطالعنا بين الغصون كأنّها
خدود عذارى في ملاحفها الخُضرِ
3. Each longing soul is brought his loved one here -
Sorrows awakened that they do not know.
٣. أتت كل مشتاق بريّا حبيبه
فهاجت له الاحزان من حيث لا يدري