
Take the coin from the palm of the ignoble one, for it

خذ الفلس من كف اللئيم فانه

1. Take the coin from the palm of the ignoble one, for it
Is dearer to him than the breath of his own life,

١. خُذِ الفَلسَ من كفِّ اللئيم فانّه
أعزّ عليه من حُشاشة نَفسِه

2. And do not be ashamed as long as you live of any baseness -
For he has no worth equal to the value of his coin.

٢. ولا تحتشم ما عشت من كُلّ سفلةٍ
فليس له قَدرٌ بمقدار فَلسِهِ