1. Like Mutayyam's devoted servant, whose heart
Is filled with the fear of parting,
١. وآذَرَيُونٍ مثلِ خدِّ مُتَيَّمٍ
لأحشائه خوفَ الفراق وجيبُ
2. They have suns that, from the moment they rise,
Have a rising, and at the setting time, a setting,
٢. شموسٌ لها من حين تطلعُ شمسُها
طلوعٌ وفي وقت الغروب غروبُ
3. When joy appears, they bloom open with their light,
As one made happy by good counsel is made happy,
٣. تُفَتِّح إن لاحت سروراً بضوئها
كما سُرَّ بالرأي المصيب مصيبُ
4. And when darkness comes they close together as if
It were a guard over them while the light is their beloved.
٤. وتنضمّ إن جاء الظلام كأنّه
رقيبٌ عليها والضياءُ حبيبُ