
Your imagination came to me after a long estrangement

وافى خيالك بعد طول نفار

1. Your imagination came to me after a long estrangement
So I made its resting place the delight of my eyes

١. وافى خيالك بعد طول نِفارِ
فجعلتُ موطِئَهُ سَنى الأَبصارِ

2. From where did this imagination find its way to a land
The furthest and most unfamiliar of lands and plains

٢. أَنّى اِهتَدى منك الخَيالُ لبلدةٍ
أَقصى وأَجهل من بلاد وَبارِ

3. No, by Him who made the valley its abode
And India, beyond gems, my house

٣. لا والَّذي جعل المحصَّبَ دارَها
والهندَ من دون الأَحِبَّة داري

4. None guided it but the ascent of my sighs
As if it were a fire flaming for the secret

٤. لَم يَهدِه إلّا تَصعُّد زَفرَتي
فكأَنَّها نارٌ تُشبُّ لسارِ

5. It revived the memory of one I did not forget
Whom remembrance did not suffice instead of recollection

٥. حَيّا فأَحيا ذكرَ من لم أَنسَهُ
ما كانَ أَغناهُ عن التذكارِ

6. Alas for the days in Hejaz and its dwellers
The land of Hejaz and its fragrant garden

٦. آهٍ لأَيّام الحجاز وَساكني
أَرضِ الحِجاز ورَوضهِ المِعطارِ

7. Where my safety squared and the protection of hosts was my pasture
And its sanctuary was the house of my rest

٧. حيث السَلامةُ مربعي ورُبى الخما
ئِل مرتعي وَحِماهُ دارُ قَراري

8. How many a moon did I fancy for its beauty
Its fullness outshone the full moons

٨. كَم فيه من قمر قمِرتُ بحسنه
أَوفى بغرَّته على الأَقمارِ

9. No doubt that it was the sun of morning
Even if its rising was from earrings

٩. ما شُكَّ فيه أَنَّه شَمسُ الضحى
لو كانَ مَطلَعُها من الأَزرارِ

10. So my glance goes back and forth
Between the moonlight of nightfall and the sun of day

١٠. فالطَرفُ من إِشراقِه متردِّدٌ
ما بين بدرِ دجىً وَشَمسِ نَهارِ

11. And many a night I spent infatuated
Intoxicated by the wine of his smile

١١. ولربَّ لَيلٍ بتُّ فيه معَلَّلاً
من ريق مبسمه بكأسِ عُقارِ

12. I play with him though play calls up passion
And from love I lose my dignity and composure

١٢. أَلهو به واللَهوُ داعيَةُ الصبا
ومن الغَرام تهتُّكي وَوقاري

13. Days when debts did not burden the twisted ones
My happiness and wishes did not come to fruition

١٣. أَيّامَ لم تلوِ الديون عَلى اللِوى
سُعدى ولا نأت النَوى بنوارِ

14. Oh, most delightful were the days of union and most delightful
Were the days of the beloved and his house instead of mine

١٤. يا حَبَّذا زَمنُ الوصال وحبَّذا
عَهدُ الحَبيب ودارُه من داري

15. A time when I obeyed youth and passion
And in it I finished my turns of love

١٥. زَمَنٌ أَطَعتُ به الصَبابة والصِبا
وَقَضيتُ فيه من الهَوى أَوطاري

16. I pleased my loved ones and was harsh to those who blamed me
I gave up my excuse and discarded my pretexts

١٦. أَرضَيتُ أَحبابي وغِظتُ لوائمي
وطرحتُ عُذري واِطَّرحتُ عِذاري

17. When the spring of union therein is not forbidden
No, and the steps of desire are not short

١٧. إِذ لا رَبيعُ الوصل فيه محرَّمٌ
كلّا وَلَيسَ خُطى المُنى بقصارِ

18. I did not give it its due, I refer that
To my aching heart and my streaming tears

١٨. لم أوفِه حقّاً أَحال به على
قَلبي الكَئيبِ وَمدمعي المدرارِ

19. I swear by Mecca, al-Hateem, Zamzam
And the House of the corners and curtains

١٩. قسماً بمكَّةَ وَالحطيم وَزَمزَمٍ
وَالبيت ذي الأَركانِ والأَستارِ

20. Only the memory of Hejaz and its people
Made me lose my patience and composure

٢٠. ما عنَّ لي ذكرُ الحجاز وأَهله
إِلّا عَدِمتُ تجلُّدي وقَراري