
With a slender figure and radiant grace

ألية بانعطاف القامة النضرة

1. With a slender figure and radiant grace
And a glance that captivates the expectant mind

١. أَليَّةً باِنعطافِ القامةِ النَضِرَة
وَنَظرَةٍ لاِختطاف العَقلِ مُنتظِرَه

2. With a brilliance like the dawn's shining light
And a darkness like the gloom of night concealed

٢. وَغرَّةٍ كضياءِ الصُبحِ مشرقةٌ
وَطُرَّةٍ كظَلام اللَيلِ مُعتكرَه

3. My heart's purpose was not changed after parting
From her, neither acquaintance nor stranger aware

٣. ما مالَ قَلبي المعنّى بعدَ فُرقتها
عنها لمعرفةٍ كلّا ولا نَكِرَه

4. She thought I neglected her, so left reproachful
Had she known, she'd have come apologizing

٤. ظنَّت سلوّي فَراحَت وهي عاتِبَةٌ
وَلَو درَت لأتَتني وهي مُعتذِرَه

5. If she reproaches, it's her right, if she blames
Me for no crime, she has power over me

٥. إِن تَعتَبن فَلَها العُتبى وإن نقمت
منّي على غير ذَنبٍ فَهي مُقتَدِرَه

6. By the pact of love - her manners never wearied me
Nor did I tire of her leonine traits

٦. أَما وَعَهدِ الهوى ما ساءَها خُلقي
ولا تنمَّرتُ من أَخلاقِها النَمِرَه

7. But from busybodies I concealed our love
Hidden in my heart, though burning there its flames

٧. لكن كتمتُ عَن الواشينَ بي وَبها
محبَّةً هي في الأَحشاءِ مُستَتِرَه

8. So they supposed me tranquilly indifferent
Not knowing fires of passion in me roar

٨. فأَرجفوا أَنَّني سالٍ وما عَلِموا
بأَنَّ نارَ الهوى في القَلب مُستَعِرَه

9. Far from comfort, here lies a despondent lover
Wearied by the lengthy nights he stayed awake

٩. هَيهات أَينَ من السُلوان مكتئِبٌ
قد ملَّه لَيلُه من طولِ ما سَهِرَه

10. His sighs from yearning rise, his tears from anguish flow Down while his wishes up to heaven soar
Alas, for days of union in protective refuge

١٠. أَنفاسُه بزفير الشَوقِ صاعدةٌ
لكنَّ أَدمعَه بالوَجدِ منحَدرَه

11. Where I dwelt amidst her sweet fragrance pure
Now with parting's purpose life loses savor

١١. آهٍ لأَيّام وصلٍ بالحِمى سَلَفَت
إِذ كنتُ من طيبها في جنّةٍ خَضِرَه

12. And the stars of union's sky are obscured
When youth with pleasures was commanding

١٢. أَيّامَ لا صفو عيشي بالنَوى كَدِرٌ
ولا نجومُ سماءِ الوَصلِ مُنكدِرَه

13. And the soul obedient to what it craved
Not a moment passes without thought of her

١٣. حيث الصَبابةُ باللَذّات آمرةٌ
وَالنَفسُ طوعاً لما تهواهُ مُؤتمِرَه

14. That splits my heart with painful longing's blade
Nor did I remember our union without

١٤. ما عَنَّ لي ذكرُها في كُلِّ آونةٍ
إِلّا وَلي كَبِدٌ بالوَجدِ مُنفَطِرَه

15. My streaming tears pouring down in floods
None can show such patience in this misfortune

١٥. ولا تذكَّرتُ ذاكَ الشَمل مُجتَمِعاً
إِلّا اِستَهَلَّت دُموعي وهي مُنتَثِرَه

16. Except my soul, patient in every mode
For God's sake, say to the beauty at dawn

١٦. وما عَلى دون هَذا الخَطب مُصطَبَرٌ
لكنَّ نَفسي عَلى الحالات مُصطَبِرَه

17. When she comes, perfumed in her breath's spells
Does the era of blessing remain as it was

١٧. باللَه يا صاحبي قُل للصَبا سَحَراً
إِذا أَتَت وهي من أَنفاسِها عَطِرَه

18. Or has that covenant faded, now past recall?
Has she healed with sweet union the hearts

١٨. هَل عَهدُ سُعدى كَما قد كان أَم خَفَرت
عهدَ الأَحِبَّة تلك الغادة الخَفِرَه

19. Broken by long separation's crushing tolls?
Has not the estrangement gone on long enough -

١٩. وَهَل تراها بطيبِ الوَصل جابرَةً
منّا قُلوباً بطول الهَجرِ مُنكسِرَه

20. Those cycles of the beloved's shattered goals?
Till it destroyed the purpose of every lover

٢٠. أَما كَفى البين لا دارَت دوائرهُ
نَوى الحُباب وتلك الخطَّة الخطرَه

21. And I remained in a life of sorrow and pain
Brethren of sincerity, it's as though God granted them

٢١. حَتّى قَضى بنَوى الأَحباب كلِّهم
فَلَم أَزَل بعدهم في عيشةٍ كدِرَه

22. Stars in the glorious heaven's glittering terrain
Among them Hussein - may God perpetuate his joy

٢٢. إِخوانُ صدقٍ كأَنَّ اللَهَ أَطلعَهُم
كَواكِباً في سماءِ المجد مُزدَهِرَه

23. And protect him from all he fears and avoids
The Hashimite whose great virtues surpassed

٢٣. منهم حسينٌ أَدام اللَهُ بهجَتَه
وَصانَه ربُّه عن كلِّ ما حذِرَه

24. Any counting, so they roam free unconfined
And the Abbasid whose noble deeds seemed like

٢٤. الهاشميُّ الَّذي جلَّت مكارمُه
عن كلِّ حَصرٍ فراحت غير مُنحصِرَه

25. Heavy rains quenching the thirsty pilgrim's mind
His noble person is a Kaaba where virtues

٢٥. وَالحاتميُّ الَّذي أَضحَت عوارفُه
لمُغتَفي نَيله كالسُحبِ منهمِرَه

26. Remain, with delegations from afar incoming
And his palm - how often in ease it restrained

٢٦. جنابُهُ كعبةٌ للفَضلِ ما بَرِحت
لها الوفودُ من الآفاقِ مُتعمِرَه

27. When dire straits afflicted those destitute
Eyes of the hopeful rested in him when they saw

٢٧. وَكفُّه كم كَفَت باليُسر إِذ وَكَفَت
بمستهلِّ الندى ذا عُسرةٍ عَسِرَه

28. The eyes of his generosity pouring and running
He's the resolute one raised by his determination

٢٨. قَرَّت به أَعينُ الراجينَ حين رأت
من راحَتَيهِ عيونَ الجود مُنفجِرَه

29. Above the orbit of the planets, those tiny things
And he's the noble whose lineage the fame recounts

٢٩. هو الهمامُ الَّذي أَعلَته همَّتهُ
مراتباً لذُرا الأَفلاكِ مُحتَقِرَه

30. Of ancestry rooted firmly in glory's soil
If his pure clan were to witness his pride

٣٠. وَهو النَسيبُ الَّذي يَروي مناقبَهُ
عن نِسبة بصَميم المَجدِ مُشتَهِرَه

31. They would boast of ancestors in his shadow
His nature - if the breeze passed by it

٣١. لَو شاهَدَت فخرَه الزاكي عشيرَته
أَضحَت على جُملة الأَسلافِ مُفتَخِرَه

32. Would suffice it instead of the garden's fresh scents
When sights observed his rank, they returned

٣٢. له خَلائقُ لو مَرَّ النَسيمُ بها
أَغنته عَن نَفَحات الرَوضَةِ النَضِرَه

33. Dazzled, stunned, vision blurred
My thoughts cannot fully describe his qualities

٣٣. إِذا تأَمَّلتِ الأَبصارُ رُتبتَه
أَو البصائرُ عادت وهي مُنبهرَه

34. Except through concision, briefly summarized
O my master, you always were my sole beloved

٣٤. ما أَطنبت فكرتي في نعت شيمَتِهِ
إِلّا وكانَت عَلى الإِطناب مُختَصِرَه

35. Beyond all people, my loyalty localized
Your eloquent poem came passionately accusing

٣٥. يا سَيِّداً لم تَزَل طولَ المدى مِقَتي
عليه دونَ جميع الخلقِ مُقتَصِرَه

36. Vexation, while with kindness I apologize
I welcomed it, thanking its composer

٣٦. وافت قصيدتُك الغَرّاءُ حاسرةً
للعتبِ وَجهاً وَبالإحسانِ مُعتَجِرَه

37. Early it came, rousing me from sleep
I made it drink when it came complaining of thirst

٣٧. فَقُلتُ أَهلاً بها شُكراً لمُنشِئها
بِكراً أَتَت لجميل العَتبِ مُبتَكِرَه

38. From me - the sweet, pure water of affection
So I saw no excuse but to admit what

٣٨. أَوردتُها حين جاءَت تَشتَكي ظمأ
منّي مَناهلَ ودٍّ عذبة خَصِرَه

39. It counted as blame - and you remain forgiving
As for affection - no, by God, its banners never

٣٩. فَلَم أَرَ العُذرَ إِلّا الاعتراف بما
عدَّتهُ ذنباً فكن لا زلتَ مُغتفِرَه

40. Ceased being planted in my heart's center
It's inconceivable that one who loves like me

٤٠. أَمّا الوِدادُ فَلا وَاللَه ما برحَت
راياتهُ في صَميم القَلب مُنتشِرَه

41. Would stint on affection for she whom he adores!
So be confident in me - you will only see

٤١. حاشا لمثليَ في دَعوى محبَّتِه
أَن يبخسَ الودَّ من يَهواهُ أَو يَتِرَه

42. Covenants of love, never to be torn
Take to yourself a bride adorned with pearls

٤٢. فكن عل ثِقَةٍ منّي فلست تَرى
إلّا عهودَ ودادٍ غيرَ مُنَبتِرَه

43. With the smooth necks of gazelles, starvation-thin
Since I have pledged myself to her beyond divergence

٤٣. وَخذ إليكَ عَروساً حَليُها دُرَرٌ
لها نَحورُ الغَواني الغيدِ مُفتقِرَه

44. I have become, to enemies' dismay, triumphant
And surrender yourself, rising to the highest rank

٤٤. مذ اِلتزمتُ بها كسر الرويِّ غدت
بِالانكسارِ على الحسّادِ منتصِرَه

45. Below which foes' selves prostrate, overturned

٤٥. واِسلم ودُم راقياً في عزَّةٍ رُتباً
من دونها أَنفسُ الأَعداءِ مُنقهِرَه