1. The lord of the sanctuary
Strode through a dusty valley full of ruins
١. رَبربُ الحرم
خطر بوادي عصفريّ مخرَّم
2. He wandered and pulled his trailing robe
And passed by Zamzam
٢. طافَ واِلتزم
ومرَّ يسحب ذيلَهُ لِزَمزَم
3. How much he captivated and seduced
With his beauty, infatuating the enamored
٣. كَم سَبا وكم
فتن بحسنه في الهوى وتيَّم
4. He bent down but did not
Allow his gaze to meet the lovelorn
٤. فاِنثَنى ولَم
يسمَح بنظرَه للشَجي المتيَّم
5. My branches of beauty
Sway if he but bends
٥. جؤذريُّ الرَنا
يُزري غصون البان إِن تَثَنّى
6. My heart and body in his love are fraught
I said when he inclined
٦. حبُّهُ مُنى
قَلبي وَجِسمي في هواهُ مُضنى
7. His shoulder, swayed his height and bent
Oh brother of the sanctuary
٧. قُلتُ إِذ ثَنى
عِطفه ورنَّح قدَّه وَثَنّى
8. Your aloofness has crushed my soul and poisoned me
Leave this aloofness
٨. يا أَخا الحرَم
جفاك فتَّت مهجتي وسَمَّم
9. And join the longing, from your rejection I seek remedy
What has passed is enough
٩. اِترك الجَفا
وصِل متيَّم من جفاك أَشفى
10. And I have nearly faded from the excess of sickness
So permit this devotion
١٠. ما جَرى كفى
وكدتُ من فرط السقام أَخفى
11. That may calm my burning eyes and let them sleep
He passed and smiled
١١. فاِسمح بالوفا
عَسى تهوِّم مقلتي وتغفى
12. And said gently, fortunes are divided
Whoever loves, endures
١٢. مرَّ واِبتسم
وَقال مهلاً فالحظوظُ تُقسَم
13. And every patient one attains what he desires
My charm astounds
١٣. مَن عشق صَبَر
وكُلُّ صابِر بالمرام يظفر
14. The full moon was jealous when it rose
How many were deceived and fooled
١٤. حُسني الأَغر
أَغارَ بدرَ التمِّ حين أَسفَر
15. By claiming to love me but had no patience
I said assuredly
١٥. كَم خدع وغَر
من اِدَّعى عشقي ولا تصبَّر
16. Passion holds the lover hostage
Help me with a meeting
١٦. قُلتُ لا جَرَم
الحُبُّ مغرمٌ والمحِبُّ مُغرم
17. And do not leave me discarded in your love
O well-bred gazelle
١٧. اِسعِف باللِقا
ولا تَدعني في هواكَ مُلقى
18. Be kind to your lover for beauty is lasting
While rejection is misery
١٨. يا رَشا النَقا
جامِل محبَّك فالجَميلُ أَبقى
19. Far from it! May your lover not suffer from passion
Your admirer is judged
١٩. وَالجَفا شَقا
حاشا لصبِّك في الغَرام يَشقى
20. By your beauty, and love has judged
He said fear not
٢٠. مُغرمُك حَكم
عليه حسنُك والهوى تحكَّم
21. Come closer, your joy is hastened by union
And leave this anguish
٢١. قال لا تَخَف
أَقبل فسعدُك بالوصال أَسعَف
22. And kiss my teeth wet with wine and drink
All yours are gifts
٢٢. واِترِك الأَسف
واِلثم بديدي من لَماي واِرشف
23. My mouth, my waist, my breasts and my palm
So heal this pain
٢٣. كُلّي لَك تُحف
ثغري وخصري والنهودُ والكف
24. With what you seek, your wish is fulfilled
Staying embraced
٢٤. فاِشفي الأَلَم
مِمّا تريدُه فالمرادُ لَك تَم
25. My cheek and my full moons shining with joy
I left gripped
٢٥. بِتُّ مُعتَنِق
خِلّي وبدري بالسعود مُشرق
26. By his saliva, flags of bliss fluttering
And redolence wafts
٢٦. رحتُ مغتبِق
ريقَه وراياتُ السرور تَخفق
27. And my love continues to feast at the goblets
Rejoice at this union
٢٧. وَالشذا عَبق
وَبات حبّي للكؤوس يُدهِق
28. And whoever attains it has won
٢٨. سُرَّ واِغتنم
قَلبي ومن نال الوصالَ يَغنم