
Rise, bring me this red wine before I lose my cheer,

قم هاتها حمراء قبل المزاج

1. Rise, bring me this red wine before I lose my cheer,
It shines brightly in the drinking-cups of glass,

١. قُم هاتِها حَمراءَ قَبلَ المَزاج
تَسطَعُ نوراً في كؤوس الزُجاج

2. As if in its goblet a flash of lightning,
Or a flicker from a lamp.

٢. كأَنَّها في كأَسِها لمحةٌ
من بارقٍ أَو لَمعَةٌ من سِراج

3. A maiden whom, when she appeared,
Her pearls and necklace made seem chaste.

٣. عَذراءُ قد أَلبَسها إذ بدت
حَبابُها الدُرّيُّ عِقداً وَتاج

4. It circulates as the tender vine is bowed,
Swaying gently from the motion of his graceful gait.

٤. يُديرها أَغيدُ ساجي الرَنا
أَحوى رَشيقُ القَدِّ حلوُ المِزاج

5. When the lover sees him in the morning,
He checks his words and ceases to contend.

٥. يَهتَزُّ كالغُصن إذا ما مَشى
ورِدفُه من مَشيه في اِرتجاج

6. Hasten to pleasures in their time,
And unlock for the voice of companionship a musical sound.

٦. إِذا رآه عاذلي مُسفِراً
لجلجَ في القَول وكفَّ اللجاج

7. Wake in the morning, for dawn has broken
And the morn bursts forth in splendor.

٧. بادر إِلى اللَّذّات في وَقتِها
واِفتح لِداعي الأُنسِ عنها رِتاج

8. Do you not see, my boon companion, the flowers,
Swaying tipsily in the playful breeze?

٨. واِصطَبح الراحَ فقد أَشرَقَت
وَالصبحُ إِشراقه في اِنبِلاج

9. The air is fragrant all around,
The meadows exultant from the dripping dew.

٩. أَما ترى يا صاحِ زَهرَ الرُبى
ماجت به الريحُ سُحيراً فَماج

10. The winds blow gently, their breath
Filling the meadows with perfume.

١٠. وَالجوُّ قد أَرَّجَ أَرجاءَه
وَالروضُ من قَطر النَدى في اِبتهاج

11. I am one whose only medicine for his malady
Is that which I have composed as a remedy.

١١. وَالريحُ هَبَّت موهِناً نشرُها
يَملأ بالطيب الرُبى والفِجاج

12. So relax with it your cares,
A breast burdened with the toil of separation.

١٢. إنّي اِمرؤٌ لَيسَ لدائي سِوى
هذي الَّتي أَنعَتُها من عِلاج

13. By Allah, an apparition of a loved one departed,
Who traversed the dark night, and the night was pitch black.

١٣. فاِشرَح بها لا روَّعتك النَوى
صَدراً لهمِّ البَينِ فيها اِعتِلاج

14. He passed by us but was not rude,
He would not have been harmed had he tarried.

١٤. لِلَّه طَيفٌ من حَبيبٍ نأى
سَرى يَخوضُ اللَيلَ وَاللَيلُ داج

15. Alas for an era in which I attained wishes
With a longing fulfilled only after much yearning.

١٥. مرَّ بنا لكنَّه لم يَعُج
ما ضَرَّه إذ مَرَّ لو كانَ عاج

16. Would that one day he might return, for he had
Returned like the flowing waters, tumultuous.

١٦. آهٍ لعصرٍ نلتُ فيه المُنى
بحاجَةٍ قضَّيتها بعد حاج

17. By Allah, the memory of the encampment did not stir me,
Nor did that lively lad provoke my passion, save strongly!

١٧. يا لَيتَهُ لو عادَ يَوماً فَقَد
عادَ فُراتُ الماءِ عِندي أجاج

١٨. وَاللَه ما هَيَّج ذكرُ الحِمى
وَجدي بِذاكَ الحيِّ إلّا وَهاج