
I saw a people from the sons of Hashim

رأيت قوما من بني هاشم

1. I saw a people from the sons of Hashim
Who came near to glory but not too far

١. رأَيتُ قَوماً من بني هاشمٍ
دنَوا من العَليا وما أبعدوا

2. They described their fathers with praise
And made manifest the glory they built

٢. قد وَصَفوا بالحمد آباءَهم
وأَظهروا في المَجدِ ما شيَّدوا

3. Until when they asked about my father
I said to them my father is Ahmad

٣. حتّى إِذا ما سأَلوا عن أَبي
قُلتُ لهم أَنَّ أَبي أَحمَدُ